Between Raids and Invasions, which do you prefer?

Basically on one side we have kingdom against type and on the other we have type against kingdom. I’d like to see such choices in a subset of Arena rather than in such a long-drawn, low-prizes double challenge.

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I have already given Invasion love, but I will note that, looking at taransworld, we have mechs in a couple months so that has potential of frustration.

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spoiler alert should always be used on such info outside of the Spoilers section. If you don’t know how to do this then feel free to ask.


i prefer invasion, but as others have noted i feel like the new modes are entirely too similar to each other, just with different requirements. by day 3 of each event i was incredibly bored with both, and was actually sad whenever a raven popped up because it meant i would just have to play more.

i learned my lesson from raids and did not spend any gems in the invasion store, and have still not yet lost a battle. going forward though, this will not be possible with all troop types…and will most likely never be possible to do well in raid without at least purchasing a couple tiers in the store.

supposedly bounty will just be more of the same, even with its own event-store, so im not really excited for that either…

i DO love the gnomes though, and really enjoyed the gnome/vault event.

without even considering the rewards or cost to play any mode, guild wars has been my favorite since it came into the game. i was hoping these new events would be as fun but they just arent doing it for me. maybe with tweaks in the future they will improve.


Now that I’ve done a week of each, I’m gonna cast my vote…

Raids have my vote. Simply because I didn’t have to think at all for this week of invasions. Maybe they’ll change things up next time, maybe not. Maybe it’ll be harder with the next troop type. Who knows.


Troop type has a huge impact on how easy things are. Wait for a “poor” type and everyone will see.
PC players will learn this fact in the next few events, console players that do Daily Tasks have know it for years. (these ‘new’ modes are not that dissimilar to Tasks).

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Throwing (3beast | 3ghulvania | 3brown) with a sunbird to kill troops with 25 hp+armor is very, very different from Raids.

Unless someone actually had the time to do it in casual PVP with warlord 4?

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