Best mythic to craft

Besides Pharos-Ra and Famine, another few worthy mythics are Ketras, Infernus, Ubastet, Gard’s Avatar, and Elemaugrim. Whatever you do, definitely make Stonehammer and Doomclaw your very last options since Stonehammer is just a more-expensive Jarl and Dommclaw is pretty much a crappier version of Kerberos.

Infernus is, IMO, the single best troop in the game. A ton of damage, explodes, and its traits allow it to loop pretty easily. You can put it on any team and it’ll dominate.

After that, I don’t have Ubastet, but I’ve saved my diamonds for it (and either Ketras or Elemaugrim; I have enough for two mythics). Given that it’s a clear staple for divines, probably the second best troop in the game.

I’ve crafted Worldbreaker, Famine, and Yasmine. Of those, Worldbreaker and Famine are great, Yasmine is ok. In a 4x dragon or centaur team, Worldbreaker is an absolute beast. Famine is great on defense and can make a good substitute on teams if you don’t have Dawnbringer. Yasmine I wouldn’t craft again.

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If this was me, would craft Draakulis because he steals life from all enemies, and Abynissa because she explodes gems and summons a Infernal King. But since this isn’t me, you might want to go with Infernus or Ubastet, because why not join the ubastet/infernus party too.

Do Ubastet or Infernus bring chips, dips, or drinks to the party as well?

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Those are my mythic usage stats - Scorpius is on 323. Infernus is inflated as well because I pulled 3 copies when he came out and Lyya’s site double counts when you have multiple copies in a team.

Infernus is certainly the most versatile mythic, but not my favourite or ‘best’.

My favourites would be Euryali, Abynissia and Pharos Ra. Boosting off Assassin class makes me happy and Pharos nukes are glorious especially in the age of super stats.

Doomclaw, War, Scorpius, Ketras, Gard’s and Wulfgarok would be in my second tier faves. With three of them in my GW Brown team :+1:t2::wink:

Final word - Famine :grimacing:

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I think infernus is number 1 for me. Nice post, it’s always good to see what everyone thinks of each mythics

Murder Kitty!

my only problem with Ketras and Gard’s Avatar they boost from thier own skills that can be reduced midfight.
so they can’t be the winning factor like infernus and ubaster

where did u get that info?

Well the Ai is generally not hunting those tragets down specifically, so you rarely get punished for that as long as your team gets rolling quickly which is a must for all teams in pvp right now anyway so it works out most of the time.

those are speed teams and i agree about those troops
but in cases of guild war for exapmle they can fall hard.
they are high risk\high gain troops

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If you go to this GoW Database, you can make an account and see your GoW collection. It’s a really helpful resource.


Well bu&&er! Ubastet is now available to craft in the Soulforge and even after doing Dungeons and buying offers etc I’m going to end up a couple of hundred Diamonds short of being able to craft it :frowning: