Boooooo. Booooooooo! (Seriously, though, well done.)
A bit off-topic, but anyone have a problem with GW defense this week?
On Tuesday, my Brown defense team is switched to Red defense team from last GW for some reason. In troop manu, my slot for Brown defense is still correctly show the team I made on Monday. So the game seems to pull team data from last GW, which actually have Tuesday as Red day.
I afraid this might keep happening to the rest of my defense team. I won’t cause me 24K unique troop point, but my teams will fail miserablely as it was only built to counter each colors.
Jep, same happened to me
Thanks for confirmation, Krimhild. Today my Yellow defence team from last week become my current Blue defense…
I wonder if it have something to do with switching GW schedule. I’ll create a bug report for them to investigate.
nope 120
Why bother though? That’s a year old bug that resurfaces every GW week for a couple of people, and now apparently came back on a bigger scale.
Obviously a halloween curse bringing back the damned…
The BBC is making a Dark Materials TV show. The girl from the new Logan movie is set to play Lyra. Here’s to hoping it is good!!
Why is Doomclaw showing on the news screen promoting today’s Mechanist class event?
Is he secretly a Mech in some way?
Yeah, it quite strange. Not the first time it happened though.
When they advertised for upcoming GW, they will use the Kingdom event’s Mythic troop for the icon. Somehow, the same rule applied to Class event, so Doomclaw, Urskaya’s mythic is chosen.
I agree that the best troop (Mythic/Legendary) available to use in their respective event would be so much better.
He’s upset TED-1000 isn’t an urska type.