August Event Calendar

Originally published at: August Event Calendar – Gems of War

The end of July has been massive, with 8.0 Immortals releasing and the beginning of the new PvP Season! There’s no time to rest, let’s look at August. The main events of note for the month are: PvP Season – Ice: Our first PvP Season has begun and will run until Oct 7th. August 2nd:…


I got a better idea

  1. fix the 3 xp with monolith bug
  2. fix the potions getting stuck bug
  3. rethink the insanity of reseting our vp every season. The game is not a job

Gems of war is not in good shape right now and the devs are ignoring it. There was nothing “big” about july other than you pushing out a universally disliked update


I’d like to add a few more suggestions to your list:

  1. Make the PvP Mythic (Kukulkan) purchasable via Silver Marks, which are far more accessible than Gold Marks.

  2. Reduce the VP requirement for purchasing the Mythic to a more feasible number. 150,000 VP is asking too much for a Mythic that’s fairly decent at best.

  1. Make the mythic even worth getting lol. Ive no need of it. Its not gonna fit in any team

Interesting: a 1-week holiday event?

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I sure hope not, because I don’t want to spend more Gems than I need to in order to obtain all possible rewards.

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As much as I’d love for that to happen, there are people who already crafted that mythic for 2500 GM. As the history shows, the devs won’t ever refund any currencies in the actual amounts we spend them on any specific thing. I guess that ship has sailed, at least for this season… :woman_facepalming:


Money Calendar Thing.

In-game menu panel labels it “Running of the Foxes”, and it will feature a new Vulpacea Legendary.

Alternatively, by “Advent” the might mean either the daily Flash offers like we get for other major holidays (with one of the gifts being free), or the specialized extra Calendar tab with free login rewards like we had leading up to the 8.0 launch…

Speaking of which, that gift of 8 Celestial Traitstones allowed me to finally have 10 of them on hand to craft a Soulforge Mythic by – I can check off another Kingdom for reaching power 10+ now.

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I like the look of the annual cosmetic cat and dog day pets :slight_smile: nothing to do with the gameplay but always friendly

Imagine the mischief these two can cause once they meet spell spaniel and sphynxomancer :woman_mage: ever try final fantasy with a party of 4 black mages?

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Next week guild wars?

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Don’t worry about it, Diamond.:+1:

The devs will probably cancel it Sunday night. They mentioned that they can’t remove guild wars because it’s part of an old, binary code that would cause problems if they removed it.

We have tried talking to them to at least change “guild wars is approaching” to “check back here for future updates,” but they haven’t done anything.

Not everyone visits the forums and people are confused for no reason. It can’t be that hard to change words in an event title? Is it?:rofl:


@Darkborne Thanks a lot!! :+1::v:

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It’s early Monday AM for them right now so two likely options:

  1. They reset the counter before reset

B. GW will be available just unplayable like that one time they forgot to reset the counter then they’ll reset it. Players will spend Gems on Sentinels all for naught. Support tickets & forum posts will ensue. Lather rinse repeat.

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