As someone that didnt like the change to stellarix on defense-immortals need the stellarix treatment

Oh to be clear, I don’t hate Stellarix.

For me personally, I would like to see more variety in the opponent selections, I’m currently in this moment (and I reserve the right to change my mind at any time for any reason - as is normal for any person to do), sort of indifferent to the idea of rebalancing. Because the fact is having OP Troops is fun up to a point as an attacker, the problems mostly occur when you have to face it on your opponent’s team, but if there were more variety in the opponent selections then you could just choose not to fight against one of those Stellarix teams, same goes for any team you don’t want to fight.

So if you want to bring my opinion into the discussion it’s that ^
Bear in mind that while my opinion has value, I don’t make recommendations to the development team based on my personal opinions. I make recommendations based on what the playerbase are telling me and evidence of what is actually happening because this isn’t about me, it’s about the community, game and studio.


One way to add more variety to pvp is to let us set defense teams in all pvp regions, so that they can be different than our attack teams. We used to do this in the past before pvp got reworked, so that we could help people in many ways which included:

•Setting easy defense teams (like 4 firebombs) so that people could get easy pet rescues and class experience.
•Experimenting with different team compositions to test things out for guild wars or testing new troops or weapons to see if they work properly.

Pvp in its current state shifts to meta teams because we can’t change teams easily or set up different defend teams. People will just use the quickest and most powerful option to grind out the most VP. Whoever plays the most, gets the most rewards in pvp. I actually miss taking battles slow instead of this never-ending grind fest. I hope that Guild Wars is on the horizon and won’t be ruined with new “pay to win” features…:money_mouth_face:


I’m pretty sure everyone is right there with you on wanting more variety in opponents.

Unfortunately, as long as the design remains attack teams = defense teams, we can’t really hope for too much variety. People are going to gravitate to using attack teams that consistently win, fast. And then THE team that stands out as most consistent and fastest. Meta. This is why many of us have been asking for a return to letting us set defenders.

Edit: OH! Almost forgot. I apologize for making an assumption about your opinions. I didn’t even realize I was doing that, at the time. But it’s not cool. Sorry!


I just had to do 350 battles + several idols last week to get even 3rd in my ladder. This week looks like it could be even worse. My problem with immortals other than what I stated above is that it slows me down (they either kill me outright, or take longer to kill because you can’t devour or lethal them). I think having them, and their unique leveling is awesome. I just can’t sustain the immense increase in battles and increase in time per battle. Maybe one week here and there, but not every week. (And then there’s the 2500GM troop)…

How on earth will this solve the problem? In the old PVP there was no variety either. Everyone set the same basic Defense teams. I recall the last popular Defense team was the 3 × Eye of Arges one or the Variant with the Cobaltine wand…faced those teams endlessly. Now everyone will most likely set the popular team with Savage Hunter at the top (Savage Hunter, Wand, Stellarix, Leprechaun). It will still all be the same teams repeatedly PLUS you will lose even more as they will now be optimized for Defense. Is that what you want?


To be clear, if there were actual options in PVP it would be fine. Clearly it is not working that way. Someone needs to change this so we aren’t looking at the same OP three across time after time after time.

I’m to the point that I don’t even care about the opponent. The VP disparity needs to be addressed/fixed. I’m sick and tired of RARELY seeing battles above 50 VP. I can’t keep up with lower-level players and have no desire to play PVP for hours and hours each day to try. The whole Ladder system in inherently faulty too. I love that there are ladders where you only need 10k VP to get 1st place. Meanwhile, you need 100k+ to even get third place in my ladders.


I had 2 players from top10 global last week
This week only 1 player, but 2 very strong followers ~top30

And I have 3 Leaderboard players every single week. No matter how much or little I play the week prior. Once you have been one the Leaderboard yourself you are doomed forever to have max-grinders in your League Board.