As someone that didnt like the change to stellarix on defense-immortals need the stellarix treatment

These things are worse than stellarix was in blood frenzy, they can one shot you and you CANT slow them down because of invulnerable. Glacyia will instantly tear you to shreds. Remove immortals from defenses please. Same reason you stated about stellarix @Kafka its not fun to be nuked.

I was one of the biggest complainers about the stellarix change. But now season goals are asking for a lot more. What this means is EVERY blood frenzy not on a color zone is going to be horrible


They just need to let us set our own defense teams again.


It wouldnt be so bad if not for invulneble. Stellarix had a ton of counters. This has none

This is the entire reason they removed stellarix. Now every zone that isnt a color zone is going to be even worse than stellarix was on blood frenzy.

These devs are chasing their tails

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No devs. Just no. This is after one glacyia cast. You’ve lost your ever loving minds. Blood frenzy outside of color days is now totally unplayable

Be consistent. You removed stellarix for this exact reason. This is worse


Yeah you was totally clueless how things going.
You was the one who defend stella with his heart. Now you see where it’s going when devs put imbalanced cards into the pool and still HAVE TO sell more imbalanced cards somehow. So, guess what, cycle will continue itself.
Stella needs to be nerfed in order to make room for immortals. And down the drain you will find those immortals in 2 years with brand new Beyond Immortal Souls.

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Dont mistake this thread for whining like you did about stellarix draco. Stellarix doesnt need a nerf. You can silence it, mana drain it, freeze it etc. End of story. Any argument to the contrary is saying “i dont have the troops to deal with it” or “i dont want to have to use the counters to it.” Moving on to the topic. I wont address stellarix here again. You have a massive thread where you can continue screaming about that easily counterable troop.

These troops have invulnerable meaning the ONLY counter to a blood frenzy immortal is a loop. And if your loop breaks and they cast even with spell shield monotlith you are almost sure to be down a troop. No spell monolith and you are down two minimum

So the way i see it: remove invulnerable if you are going to keep them in defenses. Or simply remove them just like stellarix. The whole issue here tbh is blood frenzy


Haha. How about no? People paid for that immoral troop! You can’t nerf nor replace them. It’s totally about money.

Just wait for the next troops pack. If you stay, of course.

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I would wager with how much you scream on this board for nerfs you will quit before me. And for the record ive actually settled in with the fey zone. Im 40-3.

Still not fun not being able to slow their main damage dealer.

So, you know that there IS a counter. Why are YOU complaining?
I thought you were insisting that blood frenzy was supposed to be hard, and you should expect to lose some battles, and have to use the right counters. This is exactly what you wanted, right?


Yip got just what you wanted…nice hard battles. Now don’t be one of the lazy players as you called them…

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Have a drink and enjoy the difficulty.




It was until this change that is prioritizing quantity. My point with this is unlike stellarix you can’t slow this troop down, and playing with a spell monolith is a MUST or you will lose two troops if she casts, or at least one.

I’m not calling for a nerf to her btw, and I guess I should be happy that people are going to be turned off from doing blood frenzy again :stuck_out_tongue:

Im obviously not as I figured out a team that could go 40-3…whereas the stellarix nerf herders didnt even want to try to find counters or use them. The only counter for this troop is a loop. But…I dont think its going to be this easy with other kingdoms and their immortals.

Well now that they’ve set the precedent that they can and are willing to replace OP weapons/troops on defense teams temporarily as they rebalance them, I’m all for this idea. Replace Immortals on defense teams too.

(I didn’t like the idea of replacing Stellarix/WoS on defense teams in the first place but here we are.)

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Yup exactly. I’ve come to terms with it. But if its this or nerfing them removing them altogether is a better way to go than breaking them

“Unlike a completely different troop, I have to use a different tactic against this.” is a bold reason to criticise something.

Given that players weren’t engaging much with monoliths, and they just added seasonal goals that push players to activate a monolith every day, I assume that was intentional. If you want to play the toughest battles, you need to bring power-ups.

No, you’re calling for her to be removed entirely. You don’t want to have to deal with her. That’s the point of the post, right? You think she’s too powerful and should never be an opponent you have to deal with. I’d argue that’s a terrible way to build a game, introducing new troops that you can use to overpower your enemies but they can’t use against you, but if balancing isn’t a viable option, for some reason, I guess even a terrible way to build a game counts as building it.

For the record, I thought they should nerf elementalist, because it was way too powerful. And I could see the powercreep it was causing. I suggested reducing the power of it’s third trait. I also suggested bringing in new troops that would balance against excessive status effects, by being powered up by them in some way. Instead, the devs decided to create new, overpowered troops that can’t be affected by status effects, as an obvious counter to all the status effects going wild in the game. And, since curse made immunity to status effects irrelevant, they gave them a more powerful trait that avoids curse. Powercreep.
And so, these new troops are way too powerful, and we’ll need a way to counter them. I guess we’ll get some new “super-curse” mechanic that allows us to beat enemies that can’t be affected by status effects, thus creating the next level of powercreep. Because, they couldn’t just balance the game where it was.
I don’t think stellarix or wand need nerfing, to be fair, given that stellarix is extremely difficult to get and both are high risk, high reward tactical choices. But elementalist did need nerfing. Sadly, it’s too late now. Forget nerfing it, and give every class a better counter to the new overpowered standard. At least then there’s be some kind of balance.

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I doubt we will ever get class reworks.

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If you believe Immortal Glaycia to be bad right now, just wait until a healthy percentage of players have drawn enough of her Immortal Souls to level and trait her.


On PlayStation, I dropped into Winter’s Reach today because it was a Gold Mark region (being a Citadel region yesterday). It was also a Blood Frenzy region today.

More than half the opposition teams had Immortal Glaycia, whether or not they were running Elementalist. (For a pleasant surprise, I’d guesstimate that it was 45% Elementalist, 45% Frostmage, and 10% other stuff. But that’s not relevant to the point I’m going to make.)

Since my goal for this week is just enough VP to knock out that trophy and nothing more – too many brutally high scores in my bracket make it feel pointless to me to chase a Top Three spot – I just wanted to get my five wins and get out. It only took me six fights to get the five wins, but the one time Immortal Glaycia managed to fill and cast she nuked my entire team in one shot. Sure, Blood Frenzy accentuates just how powerful she is, but that’s still pretty (expletive deleted) ridiculous when I’m an endgame player (albeit one who is proudly VIP-0).

And this is with a Glaycia that I could hobble to an extent by slapping her around with status effects. As soon as that’s no longer a possibility, she probably makes Blood Frenzy regions un-playable.


If we can’t get any of the options discussed above, how about this one: Re-write the Godslayer troops so that they also do 3x-5x damage against Immortals. Or adding it to Siegebreaker troops. Either one giving us another tool to mitigate the looming catastrophe – an Immortal on defense may not seem so spiffy if there are troops that can deal excessive damage to them on account of them being Immortals.


I’m starting to think that this game is moving into “peak vicious cycle” when it comes to troop power. It’s something that an awful lot of “dynamic”, “evolving” games struggle with when they’ve been around for long enough, and it’s something that Gems of War seems to be increasingly seeing in the past couple of years. It was Elementalist and Wand of Stars. Then it was Diamantina, soon to be eclipsed by Stellarix. Now it’s Immortals.

Are we getting close to the adage that after you’ve fought a war with thermonuclear weapons, the next war after that is fought with rocks and sticks?


Nope, just money :dollar:

And Diamantina skull storm is way deadly than Stellarix.