As someone that didnt like the change to stellarix on defense-immortals need the stellarix treatment

I dont think so at all. Use the knight monolith to lessen skull damage, and they cant use stellarix or wand so no looping. I was something like 104-2 on monday

Problem with saying usd the monoliths is you can then loose any xp gain dud to the xp bug.

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Well, if you’re willing to NOT use Wand of Stars you can cast Null Sphere and then laugh as their spells just tickle you…

This is an idea I could get behind. Most Siegebreakers are virtually useless outside their specific mode, due to the extreme lack of Tower-typed troops available to acquire.

Personally, I also think that when you sort by Rarity, Immortal and Boss types should be sorted separately from other Mythics (specifically: Immortal > Boss > other Mythics).


one of the easily forgotten parts of immortals is that they do double damage in their home region. so… they’d get kinda ridiculous in blood frenzy.

unless they’re doing 3 damage


But you have to use them for the season >_<

Easy peasy. Play 5 monolith battles before saying “bye” to the game for the night, the timer will run out by the time you’re up again, if hero XP matters to you.

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Aren’t people supposed to be spending money to get these? Would be weird to nerf/remove them in that case. I have the feeling they are there to make Guilds wars into a cash cow.

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I can’t wait until we get starry immortals. :clown_face:


That’s fine if the restrictions in a region allow you to use that. What happens if it’s a color other than Brown or Purple? Or a kingdom other than Karakoth? What’s the solution then?

“The” solution would depend on the exact team and conditions you’re facing, of course. But as Mana Colors go, spells eliminating a variable amount of Magic exist in four colors (especially Purple), aka. everything except Green and Red.

Submerge and Barrier can block against some of the Immortals, but the most notorious ones hit multiple times in a row. I also see that very few of them have any damage reduction, meaning an applicable Type or Color slayer could fare well if you have a reliable means to match Skulls against them. An Enraged Bunni’Nog, for example, might be capable of one-shotting Immortal Empyrion with its unique 5x multiplier against Knights…

Of course, this is all spitballing and speculation, I’m not exactly racing to find enemy teams built around Immortal troops.

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Today, blood frenzy in Winter’s Reach is unplayable for me. Their Glaycia kills my whole team in 1 cast. My Glaycia takes 2-3 casts. My win-loss rate is like 1 win out of 6. The whole point of spending time on this troop is for me go to town on a frenzy, not be unplayable. Not to mention, zero variation on defense teams, and no split in the 3 difficulties…

What team are you using. I just did 6 battles (hardest available) all against Glaycia teams. Won 5, lost 1 and that 1 was very obviously just rotten luck. This was without a monolith buff.


irrelevant, the point is low-level players with not all-kingdoms-to-10/pl20 are below hp treshold to sustain immortal’s damage

I have to do monolith buffs to not be one shot myself at level 1435. Same with takshaka

Currently we’re not looking at rebalancing Glaycia, but will keep monitoring it.

The difference between Glaycia and Stellarix is that with Glaycia, you still have agency as the attacker, your actions and strategy make a difference and there are options for you even if you’re missing endgame craftable Troops, you don’t own Immortal Glaycia and you don’t have all Weapons and you don’t need just one Hero Class at max level to stand a chance. You get to play, even in Blood Frenzy.

Stellarix would repeatedly win the battle in the first turn the opponent took it didn’t matter what you did. Glaycia doesn’t do that.

There looks to be some advice from other players further up, but just to add my strategy that’s working for me. I don’t have any monolith buffs active with these strats. I currently just have 3x Medals of Yasmine equipped - I don’t tend to change my medals around much between game modes:

I’ve noticed Glaycia isn’t great if you remove the supporting Troops around her.
Even if you take out 2 she struggles to shoot off spells.
And by take out, I mean silence and mana burn.
Baba Yaga has been good for that in my teams.

If you have Troops that can reduce magic, these also help.
Suna is great for this but if you’re missing her you can combine Cat Sith with a Weapon that changes the opponent’s team order to get Glaycia into the last team slot.

I’ve been favouring Reflection of Good as my Weapon to grant all status effects to an ally to help with survivability on my side. I have the Heirophant Class equipped (it’s not champion level 100).

If you want to counter Glaycia with Glaycia but don’t own her, Doppelganger is your friend but not necessary at all to have her on your team.

TLDR the aim for me is synergy disruption.

I’ve had a bit of fun playing around with different ideas for teams and it hasn’t been difficult to find options with lower rarity troops, which always makes it more interesting to me as it’s just more fun to use Troops that I don’t see around much or use often myself.


I don’t recall the last time you told the community how you put together teams to determine unique pvp strategies. You have made it very clear that you are testing things in pvp and having fun in your own way.:lion:

However, pvp in its current state just involves WAY too much time to get rewards and keep up with everyone and many players are just burnt out from feeling forced to have to play everyday. The devs have manipulated pvp so that it’s the only way to get marks that help us with kingdom and immortal progress and doing this everyday causes players to burn out…

And you can’t tell me with a straight face that you like getting silver marks and pvp icons from burning chests. If you invest a lot of time in pvp, those rewards do not give you any progress or advantage.

Enough of this nonsense–rework burning chests so that they only give 10, 20,or 50 immortal souls and remove everything else.


Kafka dont mistake me saying that i can be one shot as complaining. I just use the monolith. I dont want anything nerfed.

It doesnt matter to me really because this 7 year player isnt “engaging” with your garbage pvp. I did the bare minimum 6500 and am not sure im going to do much more this week.

If i didnt have 2 hours of excercise a day where i played id uninstall the game


I don’t want anything nerfed. Just wanted to point out that you can use this strategy against Stella teams, also. With the added bonus of the debuffs actually landing on Stella too (not just on the troops around.) When some of us mentioned the strategy for defeating Stella teams, we were told that new players did not have the troops to silence, web, mana drain, etc.


Ok, so it sounds like the issue is that the immortals cannot be killed quickly (by low level players) AND cannot be “incapacitated” via the various debuffs. So there is no way for a lower level person to avoid that hit of unsustainable damage? Am I understanding this correctly?

I guess I should add it was Xbox, and the restriction was Glacial Peaks. Not sure if that makes a difference.

My contention I guess, is that EVERY battle had Glaycia. And being blood frenzy, theirs was better. And, if she fired once, before I fired thrice, I was toast.

I did afterwards, find a better team, but my ratio was still about 3 wins to 1 loss - the border of tolerance.

PvP is a grind. And the battles need to be quick. I don’t want to have to think about teams, or spend time making one (it doesn’t even save my teams yet :weary:)

I would absolutely love more character involvement and leveling, and strategy, but that would have to be a game mode that rewards thought, and not grind.

In fact, now that I’m here squawking, what I miss most is some PQ1 riddle-boards, where you had to move the right gems to clear the whole board - you were solving a puzzle.

I do like gems of war. I just can’t keep up. I don’t get much time each day, so I just want the time I do have to grind to count.

An actual PvP, could require me to think, but this is just explore LvL 15? with real people’s names. Which is cool too.

TLDR - I just wanted my cool new troop to do the spanking, instead of getting spanked myself