As someone that didnt like the change to stellarix on defense-immortals need the stellarix treatment

You could try this strategy against the Stellarix meta teams - but basically you were completely relying on luck as to if it worked or not. You could literally load into a battle, take one move then lose - and it wouldn’t matter how good your first move was - unless you also had Stellarix.

The Glaycia teams retain player agency - what you do does matter - you can still have bad luck and you won’t win them all but you’re going to win most your battles if you strategise, work on your account progress and don’t own endgame troops.

@Smeeg 's feedback above sort of prompted me to want to ask about gameplay

I’m going to start a new feedback thread to get people’s thoughts, I’m personally interested but also it might be useful for the team as well. I’ll come back here and link it once it’s posted.