So I was originally going to wait until this whole first ‘Campaign’ was over to provide some corresponding observations, but today’s Invasion Event and the unmistakable jump in excitement/participation on the part of my guildmates highlighted a contrast that is noteworthy enough to mention, and it is directly linked to point nº 3 in the list of World Event Complaints:
Yesterday we had guildmates apologizing for their low participation in the Tower Defense event (we don’t have any guild event requirements, so players can just play as much/little as they feel), complaining that the troops and weapons available are too few and not exciting, thus making the event just another unrewarding grind. Hard to argue with that, seeing how we can only use 17 troops and 6 weapons (and that’s without even considering QA facts such as Queen Mab’s Mana Burn not being boosted by the Event Medals).
Today, those same players are so excited watching a double Gobtruffle team obliterate the competition in the Invasion weekend event. Their gem/time investment, unsurprisingly, correlates to how much fun they are having.
This (among other things that can be recurrently found across the forum) continues to evade this developer’s design choices.
In any given event, we have a few groups of players, including:
A- Those who are chasing the leaderboard, who will invest as much as needed to get there, thus having medals and potions boost that makes troop selection irrelevant.
B- Those who are chasing all event rewards, and will also do the investment required to get to said target.
C- Those who will go up to weapon tier, whether they plan to use all their sigils or not
D- Those who just want the first couple of potions to get a fast start and get the minimum done
E- Those who ignore the event shop or event altogether
A and B will pretty much not be affected by troop/weapon limitations, and neither will their spending. Same goes for C.
D and E, however, may possibly be encouraged into spending more gems if the limitations were removed (or adapted à la GW, where you can choose to follow the event constraints for a bonus in points, but are not forced to do so): i.e. if they would receive more ‘fun’ for their participation.
Alas, it would seem that event limitations are primarily limiting player fun & spending.