Anyone else noticing Devour doesn't work right in pet quest?

I’m saying that the feeling is accurate because there really is a tendency to experience 4-5 misses in a row between experiencing any hits. I’m not saying that it should be a smooth perfect distribution of hits to misses, but the tendency to clump is clearly far from what one should expect, and does have an impact on gameplay.

No. No, there is not:

It did happen a few times, yes. That’s how randomness works. It was not a “tendency”. Seriously dude, your very own data proves you’re wrong.

You are talking past me at an argument of your own creation. What I am saying is that it alternates between long streaks and alternations at too regular of intervals. Not only that, but the tendency is for a streak to occur ALMOST exclusively for misses, while hits are almost always broken up. If we say 3+ of the same result in a row is a streak, 7 negative streaks occurred, and only one positive streak occurred, which puts streaks far below the 40/60 balance at 12.5%.

While it does reach close to a 40/60 balance when added all up, the tendency to have such frequent streaks and to have streaks favor one outcome over the other almost exclusively demonstrates a problem with the RNG.

Lol seriously 3% just drop it

It’s not about the 3% off from the overall percentages. It’s about the unusually regular long streaks. A good RNG should not do that. If you go on and pull 60 numbers between 1-10, with 4 and less being hits and 5+ being misses, it won’t be nearly as regular and streaky as these result are. I know. I checked several pulls.

Please try to understand that you are looking at an extraordinarily small sample of results. Whatever you see in your sample does not define the behavior of the RNG. Run another 60, or 600, results and you will see lots of things in the data. There will be streaks, there will be alternations. There will be these things because nothing else is possible. If you run a large enough sample, you will eventually see 10 hits in a row, or 20 misses, but these things, as improbable as they are at any given time, are proof of nothing.

The only way there is a problem with the RNG is if, over a very large sample, it does not return an average rate of approximately 40% or if any given roll is not independent of other rolls.

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True randomness is inherently streaky.


And the streaks tending to be longer/more often for the result with the higher distribution (60% misses to 40% hits) is normal too.

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That stood out to me.

You’re not incorrect in your assessment, but it is just a feeling after all…

Don’t fret, as the game will love you again. Such is the nature of this game’s RNG. :slightly_smiling_face: