Anyone else just sick to hell of Goblin teams and eternal looping?

When you lose in 1 turn because of the crazy cascades on top of the extra turns, then yes it is an issue.

I suggest going for a root canal procedure. I’ve heard it’s far less painful to endure.

The goblins I find are 50/50 sometimes they just destroy me with me having zero chance which is frustrating but to be honest I fight them 100% of the time I see them just to have a change in fighting the Psion / Famine Meta that is 99% of the end game Ranked PvP matches :frowning:

I’m more sick of the ridiculously overpowered dwarf teams that can one hit pretty much any troop. Ironbeard and lady Ironbeard are way to overpowered.


Agreed , i’ll Take goblins on Green Day over Dwarves on Red Day

Aaaaaaand we come full circle. Too many threads just like this.

What they all have in common is:

  • “I like winning decisively and consistently. This requires me to be able to one-shot or reliably loop.”
  • “I don’t like losing decisively and consistently. This happens when the opponent can one-shot or reliably loop.”
  • The only way my defense team doesn’t hurt my PvP rating is if I pick something the AI can use to win decisively and consistently.
  • All these other jerks are also using that defense team.

Ban Dawnbringer on defense in Arena and it’s still a pretty diverse experience.

Ban Psion, Dwarves, Mab, Kraken, Trolls, all Goblins, Plague, War, Famine, Death, TDS, Krystenax, Justice, Humility, Courage, Tesla, and Infernus from defense on PvP and it’ll shift to “there’s only one defense team and it’s too easy”.


That would be amazing!

You can keep war in there, I don’t mind him so much.

Have you tried taking away Lady Ironbeard’s armour? Works a treat for me and is really easy to do.

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When she fills on turn one that is not really an option. Almost every match both Ironbeard and lady Ironbeard fill in the very first turn they start the match with half their mana already full.

I would not have as much of a problem if the dwarf didn’t start the match with 50% of their mana full.

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Oh my~ I hope you ask for permission first, stud.


I have thought for a long time that there’s an issue with the ai percentage. Whether it’s the dragon soul resurrection trait triggering, fizzbang or kerberos/kraken etc. The amount of time Tds resurrects for the ai is insane, 5 or 6 is far too common, yet when the player uses it, it appears all too rare. Fizz seems to explode around 90% of the time, I don’t use her but can guarantee that if I did, it’d be the same. Ie: biased to the ai
Something is NOT RIGHT.


Yep everyone is complaining because they lose sometimes it’s got nothing to do with the fact that sitting there for 5 minutes watching goblins looping you to almost death while gaining 100+ health each is not fun.

Why did you mention Tesla? I have never seen anyone complain about her


Tesla has the capability to do really sick damage and has singlehandedly shut down teams of mine in the past. If we take away all the troops that really need a nerf, she’ll be far too powerful. Anything that can do more than 25 damage should probably have to go, if I read player complaints right.

Like I said, I tire of the discussion. Goblins frustrate me when they go off, but I went 8-0 vs. Goblins last night and I’m a pretty bad player. I don’t think the game gets significantly better without them. I do think without them the “next most frustrating thing” is just as frustrating.

So I’d rather see new troops or game mechanics that encourage people to put something different than Goblins on defense. Then we can whine that “it’s just a bunch of bots who play all day at the top of PvP” once our precious egos get their 100% win rate.

You’re playing a glorified slot machine. There’s no other way to describe GoW. I happen to like it!

And if we think Ironbeard is bad on red day, wait until Schocktopus hits…
unless the AI plays it dumb

Ai will play it dumb, it’s the only way it plays.
But you might want to wait for Bright Forest troops before lamenting, they will bring grief to quite another level.

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I don’t see Fearie Fire being much more popular than Hunter Mark.

Hunter Mark requires troops that use Hunter Mark. Faery Fire requires only the use of magic. This mean it can be used with whatever team.
Hopefully, Goblins.

I’m totally with you in this @Clark .
Goblins per se are easily beatable, but in GW you can’t always use a good line up against them.

The real problem is that in a good game (and GoW is a good game) there shouldn’t be a situation where the player loses a match without the chance of doing nothing.

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I’d argue this is part of the tension of guild wars.

(points for losing) <<< (points for winning with an off-color team) <<< (points for winning with an on-color team)

Nowhere in the game are you guaranteed, “You can win every GW battle every day with a maximized number of points”. Personally, if Goblins are this good at disrupting GW, I think we need MORE teams like them. It’s the most boring thing in the world if I can autopilot the same team to 100% win rate. Why bother playing the games? Why not just award me the points instead of wasting my time?

You know what else is bad, though? Let’s say every color DOES have some T1 "best’ disruption defense team. That’s going to be every GW battle every week. Yawn.

Over and over, in every nerf thread, it’s mentioned that it’d be really cool if we had a reason to shake up our teams. We already have half a reason: weekly events that highlight certain kingdoms. It’d be neat if the points worked out like, “You get bonus points if your defense team is on-event. You get bonus points if your offense team is on-event.” etc.

The solution to Goblins on a particular day in GW doesn’t have to be “nerf goblins”. The developers, if clever, need only to find a way that using something that isn’t goblins yields more rewards than using goblins.

But encouraging people to lose on GW defense isn’t easy, is it?