So once again we have another battlecrasher, when there’s an upcoming vault event. That’s going to be FUN lol…
The devs have stated before that rolls for gnomes happen before rolls for battlecrashers. This shouldn’t impact the vault event this weekend.
I know, but hearing that sound thinking it’s a gnome lol.
I love the pairing (gold battle crasher + vault event). I’ll be doing lots of battles to hunt for gnomes and the extra gold from battle crashers will be a welcome bonus
Here to say once again that Battlecrashers cannot over write Gnomes.
OP gets points for being irritated about something other than lost rewards. This is the first time I’ve seen someone complain about getting their hopes up after hearing the battlecrasher sound effect.
That is a fair point!
There is a quick fix though: play without sound!
I’ve had the sound muted since about 2 days after I started playing.