I joined some weeks ago. There is daily discussion about gems of war stuff in discord and ppl are nice, active and helpful. Been able to top my GW gaming a little too. I approve.
Wondering if there are any open spots remaining, for an active player (daily) like me (level 198). Still leveling kingdoms, but will gladly siphon some gold to guild’s coffers; and all of it when all kingdoms at 10 (only 6 more to go!)
If it seems like I’d make a good addition, here’s invite code:
as written above the main focus is to play your daily guild war battles, and you didn’t.
That’s the reason for the kick!
afaik we tried to contact you in the game chat, but no reaction!
Hi Khaleese.
We are a casual guild, but more than two weeks without reaching the bare minimum (GW battles and some seals) is considered inactivity. Moreover no signs of life, in any of our chats (discord and in-game) led me to the decision to remove you. I am sorry about that but you were really active at the begining and then just disappeared. Some gold donations and some trophies, although appreciated, were not even requirements.
Best of luck to you.
Yes well being a grown adult and having a full-time job as well as running my business I have logged on every day contributed gold contributed trophies Etc is no reason to be kept from a guild while you have members that don’t even play on a daily basis that are still members. I’m offended and pissed off. But thanks for your reply