And so it begins...Stupid Kingdom Helper offers for everyone!

this seems to be a very dominant offer in this situation. if it was rare i wouldn’t make a fuss but its every day…



And what annoys me is that is requires no new offers to at least partially fix this. Replace kingdom helper offer with writs offer. Replace ingots offer with diamonds offer. Replace rare/common troops with medals. I mean, those offers all suck but at least they suck in a relevant way


Another kingdom offer today. Looks like I’m going to get them every 2nd day. :rage:

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Me too, I hate it.


I played for almost 2 years.
Never used and collected around 11k writs.
If I want to fully upgrade a doom weapon, I need to spend 55 forge scrolls = 5500 writs.
Forge scrolls should cost less writs.


Day 5 after the 6.2 update.


Anther day, another Kingdom Helper offer, another bump.

Please fix this very frustrating feature that ruins both daily offers and arena.


How many of us would it take to fix? I habe two troops not 3 traited so i dont get these. Which is rediculous because the paid pass was for the new mythic and she does nothing without her 3rd trait.


Since I upgraded all my kingdoms to lvl 15 I get a ton of deed offer which I won’t buy ever, since it is overpriced IMO. Two deeds for 300 gems, and lvl 16 requires two books, 300x50=15000 gems, of course! LMAO
I need pets and class levels, at least 15 of my kingdoms are blocked on pets but I rarely get them anymore.


Yes, many offers are trash but as far as pets go, the ever expanding pet pool make options limited if you want to progress kingdoms. Quite simply you need a gem stash to blow on pet baskets in the shop when a missing pet you need to ascend is triggered and this can be extremely expensive. So far ive only bought from the pet shop if the pet was already legendary but its clear that i am going to have to spend more in certain cases (looking at you valentiny) when kingdom’s really stall. It is clear from event participation and gem investment (lack of) in general that many players are becoming more selfish because they “need” to spend all their gems on pets and offers rather than do their share. Our guild is top 20 and event stats from certain players (including level 2000 plus) show this to be the case. Your best bet petwise is factions if your guild isn’t big on pvp/arena. Or to save every possible gem and wait for the next vault event when you can expect to tick another couple off, which might not make you a very popular guildmate. The solution is of course to buy gems and maintain the status quo. Great for the devs, bad for you.

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This is my plan too. Keep Zaejin and Maugrim at 25 stars by refusing to trait the 35th troop


May we request to please remove the event key? @Jeto @OminousGMan


Full house


wait for next week: we’re going to have a Straight Flush then :wink:

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Flush really describes where those offers belong to XD


Seems that some of these useless offers can be avoided, but can’t seem to find the logic/rules…

What do you need to do to stop Ingot offers?

What do you need to do to stop medal offers?

Any other things that should be done to stop some of these useless offers (eg keys) to improve chance of Deed offers?

For example, I’ve fully upgraded all weapons (except doomed weapons requiring forge scrolls), but I still get Ingot offers…

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To stop ingot offers, you need to not have any uncompleted kingdom power tasks asking you to upgrade weapons. The system only looks at if you have or have not upgraded the correct amount of weapons, and whether or not the task is flagged as completable on the back end (if there are enough total released weapons to complete the task). If you are missing a weapon, the system doesn’t care. If you can only upgrade via forge scrolls, the system doesn’t care. It will continue to offer you random ingots that will in no way progress you toward your next milestone no matter how many of them you buy. Unfortunately, if you are here, that means you are already stuck until another weapon releases that you CAN upgrade or the correct color of Tower of Doom rolls around, which could be over a year from now, or you can muster enough materials to craft an entire set of forge scrolls… which will take like a year anyways and put you severely behind on other milestones for the effort. Yeah.

You can’t stop medal offers at all, as there are no medal offers that arise from a condition. They are part of the general pool (slot 1) AND the “desired” pool of offers that not only appear consistently after you don’t have any available kingdom power offers and will occasionally supplant such an offer. This pool consists of medals or deeds randomly (skewing toward deeds it seems, thankfully), and appears to have about a 25% chance to replace another kingdom offer in slot 2 if you have eligible kingdom power offers, or 100% if you don’t. This percentage to replace a KP task with a generic medals or deeds offer may have been adjusted since the last data gathering effort in 5.7.

If you have uncompleted elite leveling tasks, you will be offered copies of troops not elite leveled to that point from the eligible troops pool, which obviously don’t help for elite levels and to anyone with even the most basic understanding of what is going on reads as a broken offer, but unfortunately, the devs either disagree or can’t be made to understand. To avoid these tasks, you must stop advancing your kingdom power to a point where you cannot satisfy the elite level requirements immediately.

If you have an uncompleted “level a kingdom to x” task, you will be offered the dreaded single event key. This one a lot of people are playing devils advocate on it being “technically true that gold can help” but the fact of the matter is the offer is a carry over from the same one you get if you need to level your kingdom to level 5 or 10 for the early kingdom power tasks, where it is as least possible that the gold might help, and the devs refuse to either remove this offer from generating from higher level KP tasks or have it offer something more sensible. To avoid these tasks, you must stop short of advancing your kingdom power to a point where you need deeds you do not have to advance the kingdom level high enough to satisfy the kingdom power requirement.

The following kingdom power tasks can be easily locked from generating offers without completing them, allowing you to “park” your kingdom power while waiting until you have the resources to avoid an offer at the next kingdom power level that gives you stuff you can’t use to complete it:

  1. Park at complete all x challenges. Fairly easy, never generates an offer, just don’t complete the challenges
  2. Park at trait x troops. Will only generate an offer if you are MISSING an eligible troop, in which case it will offer you copies of that troop. Avoid traiting all your troops right away when you know you’ll never use them and only trait them when you need to get past the KP threshold
  3. Level x troops to y level. Troops only need to be ascended high enough to reach the level stated to be removed from the offers pool. Note that this does NOT apply to pet offers, which much be ascended and leveled to be removed from the pool (so you cannot “park” pet tasks). Just ascend your troops to mythic and don’t level them until you want to move on.

*An “eligible” troop is a troop in the general keys pool and epic or lower rarity that satisfies the other conditions of the KP task.


yep, i used all these parking strategies and i can tell you, that level x trrops to y level is no real parking method, cause you will still get offers for epic and lower rarity troops, if you park them at lvl 19

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@Mithran i’m right in a testing phase for that for Karakoth with Eldritch minion, can inform you how it worked, if you want

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Thanks @Mithran —> i am weapon blocked at Maugrim, so hopefully ingot offers will stop by mid May when Maugrim is event kingdom.

Is there a way to avoid ‘Underworld Cache’? (I’ve completed all delves (renown at 87,500), have all underworld troops mythic and traited)

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