An option to cast spells in one click

A player with hundreds of hours played here.
I know my teams, I know their spells. I don’t want to see spell description and click ‘Cast’ every time i want to cast the spell. That’s 1 click too much, time consuming and flow-breaking. Especially at x4.

Once enough gems are collected and a creature’s spell is ready, just one click on the spell icon should cast the spell.

Thank you!


How would a targeting spell work in your case?

Targetting spells are now 3 clicks:

  • Click on the spell
  • Click on ‘Cast’ button on spell description pop-up
  • Pick a target

I’m proposing to skip the second step.

As much as I would like to see your idea implemented, it’s probably not going to happen. From the version 6.7 release notes:

We have added a new spell mechanic – Choice. Choice allows players to pick between 2 possible spell effects to cast.
Players will get to encounter Choice when it is released as part of the next new Kingdom, early next year.

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Well, this could be treated as a special case, where the additional popup window is inevitable.
On the other hand, the spell icon on the creature could be split to accomodate two different spell images.

LOL Stop being lazy, PLAY THE GAME. LOL


Let’s give construcitve feedback to the devs. I’m passionate about the game and want it to improve. Your comment does not add anything constructive to the discussion.

A) people have asked for “cancel spell” option meaning that current flow is already too fast for them - casting without thinking or misclicking or whatever - and what you want would speed it up even more;


means - more hassle, bugs and problems…we all see how things go around here.
Let’s just keep it as uniform as possible and not ask for more trouble to be introduced.


A) people have asked for “cancel spell” option meaning that current flow is already too fast for them - casting without thinking or misclicking or whatever - and what you want would speed it up even more;

Players have a variety of speed multipliers available (from 0.25 all the way up to 4). Everyone can pick one according to their playstyle.
The feature I’m proposing should be toggleable in the settings menu. I fully understand that not everyone would want to use it.

means - more hassle, bugs and problems…we all see how things go around here.
Let’s just keep it as uniform as possible and not ask for more trouble to be introduced.

With that attitude this game won’t improve at all. Bugs happen. That’s an inevitable part of adding new features. The real problem is when the devs don’t get any feedback about their (possibly flawed in some ways) product , they think it’s OK and just keep pushing more content without improving the overall user experience.
Just for example - i’m a returning player. Have no-lifed this game about 4 years ago. Now I’m looking at the game 4 years later and I see no improvement in QOL whatsoever. Just a ton more content.

I think they do get tons of feedback right here in this forum. How they use that feedback varies a lot.
Right now I can’t even tell which troops mana is full, because of the white screen bug, so I wouldn’t want to quick cast blindly.
I’ve been waiting for the moment when all new content is pushed aside until the old content is fixed and bugs removed, they really don’t seem to have time for it all right now.


Did you mean ‘click on the troop card’?

In any case, when the mana is full, they could transform the mana orb in a small ‘quick cast button’… Something like:

@Mrraur - I would like to suggest a constructive feedback to you.

  1. knowing the spell is not the same as reading them! - what I mean, sometimes I just check teams, build teams with a lot of bonuses (from hero trait and 4 of a kind) and sometimes even buffs in the game, I want to see the damage I’m going to do, and sometimes I even thinking over the different spells which one to take first (depend on damage), for example Ubastat is an excellent example of damage that calculated on the moment and depend on my rivals, and I check if the overall damage is bigger than the life+armor of the weakest troop, otherwise I’ll use my rope dart before or I miss the double kill (very important), even the rope dart change if you have a trait of +1 or +2 magic upon bla bla… and I see if it’s a instakill for me or not. playing the spell automatically give me no information at all.
  2. Misclick - I don’t need to over extend, if I press it by mistake (happens to me alot) I’ll cast the spell that I didn’t, many times I pressed the spell by mistake but I can’t recall when I also cast it by mistake.
  3. worst of all during Guild Wars - both of the above triggers are crucial during GW which could mean win or lose and affect the whole guild.

I see the positive side - farming, grinding, GaP event etc. but it just don’t worth the upset and anger that I’ll suffer if I lose a battle in GW and destroy my guild chances because of the mistake or hidden information, even if it’s a toggle thing, I could forget to change it and bye bye.

and as many said before, the game have much bigger problem so I prefer to make suggestion that could consider as less effort, less complicated and without potential for bugs and disappointed. sorry, but if you make a vote, mine is no, although I understand you


I see the positive side - farming, grinding, GaP event etc

Yep, that’s pretty much the use case for this feature.

I’d suggest a slight alteration – a toggle-able option to cast with one long-press on the troop card.

This still lets you view the card/spell/trait details, and prevents misclicks.

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I’m not sure this feature is going to be possible with the introduction of the troops in the new kingdom…

We have been asking for a cancel cast button for so long without fruition

No no no, misclicks are independent of game speed.

Now THIS is a better idea! The only objection is that this game doesn’t already utilize long-presses generally, you are introducing a completely new user interaction.

Because many effects trigger on cast, and effects can change the legal targets, this will never happen.

But the spell is not actually “cast” (in terms of the card art popup and direct effects) until AFTER the target is selected. The fact that on-cast traits trigger BEFORE the target is chosen is possibly a bug in and of itself…

…depending on how you view this little thought experiment:


  • Any spell that manually targets an opponent
  • Two or more enemy Troops, both with and without Stealthy trait
  • Troop trait “Stun a random Enemy when an Ally casts a spell”
    (compare Bad Tarot)

If those conditions are met, should it be possible for the ally spell to target a Stealthy opponent or not, and why?

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I think the community believe that the Spell system have quite a lot of legacy code so the devs dont want to touch it unless absolutely nescessary

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