An in-game tie into the forum Fantasy Series

! I think you are underestimating people’s greed.

2 team wtf had the most cheer leading so i think if we accounted for that then he should not have lost to endurance test.

3 i helped cheer endurance test on and he did his fair share of cheering as well but you still won that round.

I think people based it on only gorgotha vs herdmaster and figured that goblin king would never fire off even though he is backed be another mana generator in Templar as well as being able to deny purple mana to the opponent. You only won because of gorgotha and the rest of your team was basicly useless if not for that overblown sheild of yours. Terraxis required too much mana, watcher could not counter and was under utilized, soothsayer gives magic but only if there was purple to choose from which the opponent can counter. Your team based on my analysis only won because of gorgotha and that was it.