Amanithrax boss room broken

I didn’t notice it while I watched the stream, since I’m mostly listening and not watching her. The streams are all recorded so you can go back and watch. From what I can tell, it does have the same bug. On her 2nd run, completing the boss room didn’t raise the multiplier nor increase the chest level.

So all the stream watchers are at fault :joy:. /s

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Thanks you :pray: and exactly :joy:

The Devs have responded to this issue in the linked thread.

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Chest upgrades by 4 at the boss room.

Chest upgrades by 3 at the boss room.

I understand things that seem like “bugs” might not actually be. Chest Upgrade 0% could just be an intended thing. But this inconsistency chest upgrade that I have illustrated above should not have happened. @Kafka @Saltypatra Care to explain?

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Do you recall if there was a raven on boss room (when you got 4 lvls)?

Cuz the only time i got x4 (and was the first i payed attention too) i had 1, after that never had again a raven at boss and never got again 4 lvls.

oh, nvm, seen they are 2 consecutive runs and no extra sigils, well, rng then it is.

Read a post above, and click links. They’ve already explained.

Explained what? The screenshots show that one run gave +4 to treasure chest, and a second run only gave +3. The +3 is has been discussed at length, but how did the boss room result in a +4 given the bug present in the faction?

They have explained they are aware of “the issue”, which encompasses “the Delve event is giving out incorrect rewards” and that they will fix it.

Does Salty really need to come back several times over the weekend to confirm “yes we’re looking at that too”? While I’m at it, do we really need 5 different threads about the same bug?

I think we should wait for them to fix it so we can tell them what’s still not working next event.


Chest upgrade from hoard quality only applies after you beat the boss room

The first room had a 100% chance to upgrade your chest, so you received chest level 1. The other rooms had a 50% chance and 40% chance to upgrade your chest. You didn’t get lucky, so it stayed at level 1.

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