Altared Reality

Great maw

This quote is funny to me as I pulled Ice Witch from an event key

I got an itchy trigger finger and blew it on my newly found shadow dragon, I have a dream of chaining giant spider and green seer to rain down hell.


@TaliaParks I got an even itchier finger they you will understand and smile on that last one


Sacrificial Priest***

A twist on @Tacet’s Warlord IV team which allows sacrificing mercy to get her out of the way when not needed or to dispatch Maw when there is adequate HP available.


:broken_heart: :cry:


I prefer to use Maw’s spell then sacrifice it. That said, I don’t have Maw traited.

My apologies @Lyya

Just got a weird bug though, Abhorath appeared when the lovely lass sacrificed herself for the team. But when Abhorath was then hit with a skull match, he turned himself back into a fully traited Mercy.

Seems that @Lyya’s hope of an immortal Mercy may be true.

EDIT : it was an undead mercy - seems the weak summoned Abhorath was killed with that single skull match and a Ghost Mercy (who could not be sacrificed a second time) came back to either support (or haunt the battle).

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WTF is that lol.

Seems like there’s something to be done with a summoner…
Sacrificial Priest (Purple/Yellow)
Giant Spider (Green/Blue)
Sheggra (Red/Brown)

He i thought the priest would not see play and then i see a lot of teams trying to make him work. Now i am not saying that i can predict the future but i did kinda write a story revolving around a sacrifice of tyri’s mother.

I find it funny that you can sacrifice the Sacrificial Priest via ascension.



I like sacrificing Abhorarth and summoning Abhorath.

Gotta have hobbies.

So he can sacrifice to make himself more powerful guaranteed but he can’t promise to summon an old god?

With that amount of souls I would find anything funny :stuck_out_tongue:

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We’ve just pushed out an update (Steam & Mobile) which fixes some of the Sacrificial Priest problems you may have seen (you may need to exit & reload to see the fixes take effect):

  • Abhorath always being level 1 (actually that got fixed 12 hours ago)
  • Abhorath returning the dead troop underneath him to life
  • Sacrifice being stopped by barrier
  • Graphical glitches involving active spells on the sacrificed troops

As mentioned above, we have some nice changes to Summoning happening in 2.0, mainly fixing things so that summoned troops receive various bonuses that other troops have in the battle, as well as access to levels higher than 15 & traits!


How much glory to i need to ascend this troop to mythic/ how many do i need to ascend to mythic?

Edit: can i get a breakdown of how much glory is needed/ how many i need to buy per rarity for the event troops.

Well, his base card is ultra rare, takes 6 to ascend to epic, 11 to Legend, 26 to Mythic, so that’s 43 total.

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So 12,900 glory to get to mythic for an ultra rare.
legendary is 5 troops x500 glory so 2500 glory.