Altared Reality

Yes, but that waists hero slot, uses only 1 color, and costs 3 mana more. Not to mention if sacrifice has a 1:1 ratio to attack, it will do excessive damage in Arena. It also has the benefit of sacrificing something when it is at very low HP for the full effect, unlike devour which is much less effective on a weakened troop. It isn’t going to completely destroy Arena, but it would definitely be far up on top tier.

I can only imagine how many rage comments there will be about the AI having a “100%” chance to summon a legend in Arena. Remember why agile was nerfed? :stuck_out_tongue:

The other thing is that it can be used to sacrifice a garbage troop in Arena if it comes down to that.

Reasons this troop are bad: error 404 troop not summoned.

I’ll be honest, I can’t imagine many people picking this guy up in Arena.

He’s scrawny. (2 hits from Hero = dead.)
You kill off a troop for less than a 1 in 3 chance of a legendary (Likely level 15 summon, so hardly unkillable).
And he does split damage, which is the least effective damaging method. (Why do people use Imperial Jewel again?)

His best asset in Arena is the 9 attack, and no one frontlines a 2-hit wonder.
And once again, we’re talking an untraited, 3/4ths leveled, no kingdom bonus Abhorath. Barely threatening.

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I always put my 2 hit 9 attack troops in first slot. I would probably have it sacrifice itself if that is possible. :smiley:

Very interesting new troop. I hope he got a nice boost factor.

And finally a tease for the tease for the next patch :open_mouth:, can’t wait! :innocent:

Probably can, but if killing off your front attacker in hopes of something good every Arena match is your big plan, you better have a good follow-up in case it does (and it will) fail.

He’s basically just like any other summoner atm, too battle-extending to play with.

Huh i would say it is the most effective method (minus devour). No overkill possible, not diminishing once you kill troops. I love casting rowanne on three remaining troops with 6, 41 and 12 health! BOOM - triple kill.

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I’m pretty sure Arena won’t be effected by it, but summoning is confirmed to be reworked in V2.0.

Well aware, just talking Arena for the moment, in which the difference is 0.

PLAINS - Purple/Yellow(90) - Farming Kingdom: Divinion Fields
Atlanta 12
Banshee 2
Faunessa 12
Green Seer 12
Infernal King(L) 16
Herdmaster 3
Ice Witch 12
Nymph 2
Sacrificial Priest 3
Shadow Dragon(L) 16


Several troops to choose from, yet I must take a decision on which one of the Legendary or epics I gonna pick. The hard choice…!

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The Plains Arcane goes to my Green Seer. I still meet TSO sometimes so Alert is not completely wasted.

As for me, the plain arcanes go to my pockets : I’m waiting for 2.0.0 to see where my investments should be placed, no need to rush :slight_smile:

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I’ve also decided to partially throw away my “Be an Underdog” mindset. I will upgrade all magic kingdoms to level 10. That might help a lot already. If not, then the attack kingdoms will also go to 10.

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better update Console version thx Darkstone, Wildplains … -.-

Really liking the synergy with Giant Spider. Nice little two-troop combo.

Actually from the looks of it, we’re looking at a level 1 Abhorath…

EDIT: Actually nvm, looks like it’s tied to the summoner’s magic level ><

EDIT2: Although the stats do seem bugged at the moment.

I’m ready for some on death abilities. For example on death this troop explodes dealing 5 damage to all enemy units. Something like that.

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When I get some souls, I might try Sand Shark / Giant Spider / Sacrificial Priest / Green Seer. If the Sand Shark does ever devour an enemy, the Priest’s spell will be that much better when the shark’s time comes.