Altared Reality

Karakoth. You can see its shield on the right bottom part of the troop ;-).

Based on the screenshot above, it’s Karakoth. Fits thematically, too. So, Abhorath will be the legendary, and one of the Cthyryzyx, Ferit, or Green Slime will be in event chests.

Thanks sooooo much

Not souls, traitstones. Then again I probably maxed every Blue/Purple or Brown/Purple troop from those other events so maybe forget it…

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Hype train here we gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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Where is your post?

when cloning is perfected can we have your clone work on the console version?

I’ve been telling him to do that for months, he’s not interested for some reason. In being cloned I mean.

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But wait! There’s more!
Just send us a carrier raven with your name and address and we’ll give you a ‘Summon Abhorath’ scroll* for free!
That’s right! Absolutely free!
So what are you waiting for? Grab a Sacrificial Priest right now! I said, now!!! RIGHT NOW!

*(Spell success not 100% guaranteed)

Where does it say it will be Arcane Plains?

Because the new troop is yellow/purple , so will the arcane traitstones.

The troop colors are Yellow/Purple, which means its associated traitstone will be Arcane Plains. Because the troop is Ultra-Rare, the pack cost will be 300 glory for one troop, one traitstone, and some other flim-flam nobody cares about.

Oh I see. Thanks.

That’s why i am waiting for a 9th troop before raising a kingdom to PL5. To spare me that little annoyance and to safe some stones :wink:

Yeah, that’s the logical thing to do. However, I am a being of emotion, and rational thought bounces off of me like steel balls off pachinko pegs.


So use dokkalfar with this troop and enjoy the show?

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Getting this 9th troop is the only way I could raise Karakoth to 5 stars. Everything else is already up as far as it will go for levels. Don’t have the traitstones to do much with the traits. Yet . .

Mmmmmm interesting… my lord, I have a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a fox…


:newspaper: Worship your new lord and savior! All hail the Weekly Feedback Report! :gem::gem::gem:

Have you ever thought, “If only I could call upon an eldritch horror abomination to really liven up the place.” I think you may get along pretty well with this weeks troop. The Sacrificial Priest!

Unlike your usual priest, this guy’s out to cause wounds rather than heal them. Give up an ally for the chance at a new ‒ and in his opinion “better” ‒ one, Abhorath!

Gandalf the Grim will also use your blood as a weapon, striking the enemies with split damage equal to their attack. Sounds like a pretty mean combo when paired with his summoned old god, who so happens to love boosting his strength.

You can also sacrifice your Glory this week to summon greater power, I’m talking about the Arcane Plains Stone! Immortalize a truly powerful daemon with Infernal King! Call upon the darkness with Shadow Dragon. Or keep the troop Attack > Spell theme going with Faunessa!

But for those on a budget and looking for an easy powerhouse, Herdmaster is booming with useful traits!

:newspaper2: Please don’t sacrifice me for last week’s lack of feedback, I have no wife and no kids! :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:

#Match you next time!