Alliance Ranks Shouldn't Be Reset Every Season

4 weeks down, 7 to go: it may be too late to adjust the chest rewards mid-season, but it’s not too late to announce that Alliance Ranks Won’t Reset, so players still have 7 weeks to do the grind.


Since you’re around and if you get a chance: could you see if there’s any update on Alliance Ranks not resetting every season?

There’s still 6 weeks left in the current PvP season, and most of my guildies are not bothering with gunning for top Alliance Rank because they see no point if it’s gonna be reset.

:pray: :vulcan_salute:


I can reply to this now without poking the team - Alliance, PvP, Immortals etc have been an ongoing discussion with us (the CX team), the dev team and beyond since PvP was updated, and moreso since 8.0 released - like Kafka has mentioned in your quote

That includes not just Alliance ranks, but also VP and Alliance chat access.

At the moment, it has been just discussions, and we in CX do not have anything to share about any potential changes on the way. I would take a guess that we might not have anything further we can share until something is locked in.

With that said, Bramble and Kafka have been actively raising these points since the updates came about… I shout in there too when possible
Sorry that I am not able to share more positive news for this one, at the moment.


Thanks again for the responsiveness and for shouting on our behalf!
:pray: :vulcan_salute:


I think it would be a pretty bad move on the devs part to go ahead with resetting the vp at the end of the season


From a logical standpoint, once you gain alliance ranks, you shouldn’t have to earn them again. The closest thing in the game that I can compare this to is when you earn renown for a faction.

Alliance ranks should be treated just like that. Once you earn 2,500 renown for a faction, you don’t have to stress over it and can just take it easy. Earning up to 800,000 VP every season does not make sense, takes up a lot of time and causes unnecessary stress.

Please just let us keep our alliance ranks and ask the devs to be more considerate now and in the future.:star2:


Interestingly, I was also thinking about this situation recently.

If the Dev’s intent is to make us grind every PVP Season, then they should leave it as is. This will lead to burn out of every player, eventually. Even people that pay for the pass.

Personally, I’m just capping that 560,000 rank.

If the question is actually around having one of the Season PVP Goals “auto-complete” at the start of the new Season - I have a recommendation that everyone will probably prefer.

We already have a PVP Season Goal that “auto-completes”, relating to PVP League.

Instead of resetting VP & Alliance Ranks (which has the added negative for players of losing Chat access and daily Silver/Gold Marks), just reset the League.

Simple as that. There is no meaningful loss (just the amount of bonus gold marks) and it would take 10 weeks to climb back up to Diamond. I don’t think there’s really any reason to sit in Diamond and not make Top 3 for those 10 weeks.

And if you really want to make players grind to 800,000 VP at least once in their life, hold their Alliance Rank at Season reset (so they don’t lose benefits) but don’t allow them to rank up to the next one until they get the VP required, within that Season.

Just trying to work with ya here.

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No, that would feel just about the same way.
They could just make it “earn X amount of VP” (and please for the love of everything, make it a lower amount that is more achievable).

No need to reset anything.


I’ll throw my feedback in here too. I’m a casually competitive, long time player and GM who also has a full time job. Gems is how I choose to relax and I like the majority of the game modes. I play a minimum of an hour a day because I still enjoy the game.

However, the VP reset completely felt like a slap on the face. I’m still not back to the level of being able to chat with my alliance and I highly doubt I’ll even be able to reach the 560,000 level this season.

Please do not reset VP and block us out of chat.
It completely ruins the PVP experience for me.


agreed. Being blocked out of chat that I just barely worked my way up to before the reset was very annoying. I may not get back up to chat level by the end of the season, and won’t try very hard if it will be reset again. I just want to ask the alliance chat to go back to posting teams and not turning it into global chat 2.0.

Also, stop picking mana gems!


Thank you for your update and to all 3 of you to speak on our behalf :heart_eyes:

Immortals took some focus away from the discouragement it was to lose my VP. I just earned enough to get 1 Gold Mark weekly(or daily?) when my effort was reset😱.
Then it got harder and harder to ignore, also because the hard earned chests contains silver marks most of the times - again very disappointing and discouraging that effort is drowned in the lack of luck.
Last week and this week I havn’t even looked at PvP or played a single battle… I don’t see the point of running the hamsterwheel when I only get a reward mostly based on luck, if I get any reward at all :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_spiral_eyes: and my effort is not appreciated, it is just reset. So why bother?
Do I miss out on Immortals and upgrading them - yes I do. Missing out on gold marks - yes I do. But hey I don’t have Stellarix yet either and I manage anyway.
I am not sure that I will ever look at PvP again, if the VP are reset again. And I will probably be upset about all I missed out on, because the devs so far insists on the idea to be amazing​:scream::exploding_head:
PvP was fun before Alliances, before Immortals.


For me its simple. 50000pv/week for alliance ranking, its totaly crazy. The PvP became a full time job.
I buy the pass this time and i try to make all i can. But i think citadel requirement arent doable f2p.
If pv reset i seriusly think to stop playing the game, its no fun at all to spending hours to banging the head again the wall (cheating Ai, defense team anoying on purpose).
I ad to this RNG troop to get (hoard mimic, dragonit troops and gardians).


They are, but there’s very little room for error.


Thank you for sharing this. I really appreciate it. I do get what they were trying to accomplish with this. They’re trying to create an incentive for the super high activity achievers. And I even agree there should be something extra for those people - it just shouldn’t be part of the pass, which should feel accessible for completion with average participation to anyone who buys it. I wouldn’t object to (in fact I would encourage) an extra incentive for those exceptionally high participation players. But it really needs to be something separate and apart from the pass.

I’d recommend implementation of lifetime points versus season points. Lifetime points should determine your Alliance rank. Then, separately, I’d recommend that you do something with a leaderboard for the season points that is significantly more generous (offered to the top 100-200 players, not the top 3) than what is currently being offered. I think that would be the most reasonable and equitable solution. It’s still offering something to the high activity players while not penalizing the average player who would otherwise buy your pass.

I’ve heard from so many people already that they won’t buy the pass because they don’t think they can achieve all the goals and get the most out of the spend. That’s a problem you NEED to solve. And one that is in your company’s best interest to fix.

@Kafka @Bramble @Jeto


Ive been playing for near 7 years at this point. Back when the meta was infernus and uba. When dawnbreaker was considered OP

For the first time since ive started playing ive gon multiple days in one week not logging in. I did about 10k vp on monday with 36 battles cheating the system with GAP, and did my guild stuff thats it.

Kafka, if you guys reset vp i think you are going to lose a lot of players. And imo you wont he able to recoup it with new ones. What youve done with pvp is killing this game


Season Goals are available with or without the paid Pass. They are not all accomplishable without it. Many are tho. This is ok.

VP resets every Season. So if players want the most passive Gold Marks from Alliance Ranks and/or to complete Season Goals + Pass tiers we have to (re)grind every 11 weeks. This is ok.

One of the Season Goals is to get the featured Immortal to Level 20. Even with the paid Season Pass and completing all other Season Goals there is potential for this to not get completed. This is not ok.

One of the Season Goals is to defeat Guardians (Vanguard). Completing it requires 50 Guardian Battle wins. In a full 11 week Season there are potentially 55 Guardian Battles available with free sigils AS LONG AS we play every “vulnerable region” day and we don’t lose twice on any given day. There are no other options even with the paid Pass besides purchasing more Citadel Sigils. This is not ok.


With the paid season pass i did i think the first round of guardians…but i also used soem gold marks there. But i still have to get 560k vp to get to 20

@Kafka in a previous post, you noted that 108 battles in a weekend (ie. 2 days) was “A LOT”. Well to @AMT point, 800,000 VP would take approximately 100 battles of PVP EVERY day… so double the amount the developers would consider “A LOT” for a single aspect of the game. At 150 VP per battle, this would only give you the top daily benefit for about 2 weeks.
(Just helping visualize the end user’s perception)


I didnt even know that notification existed. You are losing a 7 year player slowly but surely


I agree for crying out loud this isnt diablo, bait and switch five.

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