Alderfather <==> Nimue

Last year, Erinyes was destined to be a blue/green troop that transforms a gem color to purple. Since it was almost the same as the Giant Spider it was changed to a brown/yellow troop.

With that in mind in less than 2 days, according to spoilers info the legendary from the new faction should be :

  • a 18 mana cost green/purple that transform red to purple and yellow to skull (and summon a troop)
    In the meantime, I would remind that Nimue is :
  • a 18 mana cost green/purple that transform red to purple and yellow to skull (and silence 2 troops)

I think for the game diversity that a small change either in the spell color or the troop color like there was for Erinyes could be nice.


Also while we’re on about the colors can we have more diversity on the glory pack arcanes please too?

If i see another arcane beast or lava i think i might vomit :face_vomiting:

(I understand we have shield, venom and spirits coming in December but overall in general an even spread)

I apologize if this is a derail of the OP.


I remember this as being very frustrating as I got close to traiting all my troops, but the devs have said in the past that in their troop design and release they do not consider the distribution of glory pack arcanes at all so you’re probably shouting into the ether here.

On topic, I agree that two identical converters doesn’t make sense, and I hope the devs take notice.


reads spoiler text

“That’s basically Nimue…”

reads Nimue text

“Did i read the spoiler text wrong?”

reads spoiler text

“What? Why?”