After two weeks of GW, what is the weakest color to date? (Poll)

Well all colours have cleansers, only 4 colours have all-cleansers. But honestly if you can’t manage to have your cleanser ready to go, when you decide to kill the enemy DK i don’t know what to tell you.

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The way it is now, having a cleanser ready to go means nothing. Your troops can and will die before you can do anything. Seriously, what the devs are doing is the right thing to do for the long-term health of the game. You don’t like it but it doesn’t change anything - Death Mark takes control out of the players hands the way it is now and that’s never a good thing.

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Oh i fully accept the Deathmark change, i only mentioned it, because it makes additional changes to the stun-damage spells as they were wished in this thread to further counter DKs unnecessary, in my opinion.

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i agree with @Gouki

  • khorvash doesnt need a buff even if it appears to be merely a “fix”, he is perfectly fine being “bugged” and still quite OP
  • DK and deathmark wont need extra counter added to khorvash after deathmatk gets the 1 turn delay nerf

and my 2 cents:

if khorvash ever shall receive a “fix” that makes his spell working “more proper” thats fine - but FIRST he needs to be balanced out so that the end result of his changes wont just plainly buff him to make him even more op


Question for those out there. I’m one of the couple that chose Yellow as their weakest color (woo! second place!). What do people manage to do on yellow days without Gard’s Avatar, Abnyssia, or Famine? I have most troops, but am missing every mythic except for death.

I tried making a Gorgotha/Enchantress/Moloch team but fell short in finding a good yellow/green to use. Almost went back to Ranger. I’ve also tried to use Banshee in place of Enchantress.

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On yellow days i do use gard but a good yellow/green i have found is elven bard

Edit: @Zippity do you have DK’s 3rd trait?

Manticore is yellow/green