Just curious what you guys are up to with this card / troop. Whether actual or theory - its all okay. Just think the card concept is pretty interesting, but I’m struggling to find its niche. It seems like it screams I want to be cool, but just can’t find a good fit for it.
I ‘lucked?’ out and got two of her day one. I think the artwork is great. Mana cost on the high side honestly in such a fast turn game meta. I really dig the interesting spell / ability, but I’m struggling to make any synergy use with the IK she summons or justify using her super high mana costs. I like that she has cursed ability and legendary ability seems to be designed for the long slow game… but this game doesn’t really play that way… I feel like if there were more cards per team - she would come into her own… but I don’t have the last trait unlocked yet, so jury is still out how much a daemon boosting value is too.
I have been hoping for a support / gatherer / exploder kind of mythic to drop for some time - so I welcomed this one with open arms - but so far, I have mixed feelings on its usefulness as designed. I haven’t tried all the combos, so wondering what others are rolling if anyone has made her effective.
- The latest team(s) I am trying are almost the same. The damage basically comes from TDS + Sylvanimora in one version, in the other, famine is pumped by 3 chargers. Neither is quick to start and gorgotha and TDS both play big roles in production. When it gets going, both work. Famine and mabs emperors etc can all give it trouble but famine is the worst. The slow start up in a game that needs fast kill times means it still doesn’t seem quite right:
Sylvanimora (or Famine in 4th spot)
- I’ve read about something like this next idea in the official forums thread for the card. Credit goes to whoever there for the idea. I still feel like I’m slow playing sometimes when I try this though. I feel like I’m waiting until I can use bombot and then summon IK… but why not just put IK to start then? The bot does provide a damage bump, but the synergy still feels off… expecially if you loose TDS which is your own red feed. The team to me feels clunky still at best however the sacrificial concept for more damage is appealing when it all comes together.
I’ve tried a few different sacrficial Black Beast kind of ideas… but nothing I’m a fan of.
I tried an all deamon build, and cannot say I found any I cared for there either, and that’s even with toying around with different mythic combos.
Speculation… I have not played with her on a Def, but in the end, maybe that’s her fit. Maybe she paired with gorgotha, TDS and giant spider or something where everything can summon, everything is annoying, everything just stalls is where her best fit is… which is really sad as I wanted to see an offensive exploder, but in the end, she seems best suited for the long game.
I started thinking - okay, how do I use IK? ( Jarl, sheggra, Mercy, etc…) so what if you just run a mercy+IK+SHeg and splash in Aby whereever you want? Well she cannot go to top, so what do you lead with? IK? So set it up the following. However with all the famine and drainers out there, this is not an ideal setup at all. If Mercy fires off good, it can work, but to what end? Would it be better with a real pile driver up front and dropping Aby… yeah, probably.
Mercy… -
Then thought about the following, but its far too slow and Aby provides nothing of value really as I’m just slowing down what could happen so Aby has a chance to summon, and her exploder is so slow to build it don’t matter:
So I’m left thinking this is just an expensive Mythic, that perhaps doesn’t really have a good fit for anything I’ve found appealing or that even consistently works for faster paced time to kill that this game thrives on… but what are other folks trying? Has anyone else come up with anything to make use of Abynissa that actually works well, consistently and takes advantage of her powers in a shorter and effective time frame?