A question about poison status effect

It says poisoned troops has a 50% chance of losing 1 Life each turn. Why is not this at 100% or aka:
Poisoned troops lose 1 Life every turn. At least it would be a tiny better.


My nut tells me that it is possibly because Poison would be too powerful for and against new players if it was like that.

Talking amongst yourselves again. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But, yes poison does need a slight change to make it a tad more useful across the level ranges.

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As you can see I am not like the other whiners, I am much worse!

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I had a good poison rework idea earlier- Four discrete levels of stacking! Poison could work as it does normally for the first level, but if an already poisoned creature was again poisoned, the poison skull would turn yellow, and the troop would always take 1 damage per turn until cured. If poisoned again, it would turn red, dealing 2 damage per turn, and after 1 more poisoning, it’d turn black- 3 damage per turn, and unable to be cleansed.

Some troops could be reworked to give 2 stacks of poison, but that would be restricted to epic and above troops. This would also make the Venomous trait not completely useless.