A New Mythic Approaches - TINA-9000

Good luck guys!
1050 glory keys, 350 gem keys and 11k seals and boom!

200 gemKeys 600 glory Keys. This was a 200 glory keys summon lol


Got 2, total cost 1050 gem keys, 3k glory keys, 100 gems and 4k guild seals.

Maybe we should get ‘Mythic’ rewards from it. :grinning:

Not really sure what you mean but she do absolutely nothing after a troop die, just casted on my second turn on a full armor/hp maw/wrath/gimlet/mercy team.

She shooted 2 times mercy killing it and that is, to me look like she pick the 3 targets beforehand and may aswell target x3 the same one (that’s stupid, quite an overkill) and if it die on the first of the hits, done, nothing more happen.

For being the most expensive myth in months (1600 gem keys, 25k glory and 15k seals) is kinda lame, need find an husband for her too :stuck_out_tongue:

Ps: just casted her on 2 remaining enemy’s, killed one on first hit, hitted second one and done, defo first enemy that died on first hit was the target of 2 of the hits.

PPs:ok, that whole random targeting suck, had a enemy hero with jar (no stealth) at 19 hp, finally managed to hit him once with Tina when she had around 400 Armor lol, will let you count how many casts required haha (curious about how the “rng targeting” work if AI mange to cast her, never happened for now), finally match finished and on that one too, the 2 last enemy’s had 10 hp’s left and She only killed 1 with a cast.

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1000gemkeys 1000glorykeys, 40k glory and 250gems

I’m tapped and no tina


Seems underwhelming …

Well, if they manage to make the spell barely decent isnt that bad, the 50% armor added to skulls damage and the fact she get armor casting is nice, she’s squishy tho, hence why no opponent Tina managed to cast so far, for defs dont really look that good.

MOST.EXPENSIVE.MYTHIC.EVER. 6k guild chests, 550 gem keys, 2k glory keys, 150 vip keys, 130k glory…and it doesn’t even work??? WTF? :woman_facepalming:

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7k seals, 5k glory keys & 2k gems keys. Which just about tapped me out, keywise. Oh well, at least I did’nt need to spend gems.

TINA’s targeting is the oddest thing about it.

I was expecting TINA to always do damage to three different enemies, and if only two were alive then only two bursts would be fired. However, this is not the case. Currently, TINA chooses three targets and hits them. This means that more often than not, multiple bursts will hit the same enemy. This results in between 54 and 108 True Damage (81 on average), which (unless you get very unlucky damage rolls and the troop has relatively high Life is enough to kill any troop in the game, since most troops in PvP start with about 65-70 Life.

The ISSUE is that the targeting happens all at once, without checking for enemy deaths. This means that TINA will occasionally target the same enemy three times, even if the first burst kills it.

Earlier while testing I was in a situation where the enemy team had two enemies, with about 30 health each. I casted TINA, and all three of the bursts hit one of enemies, leaving the other unharmed.

This is clearly broken, and I’m surprised this troop was released in this state. Dead troops should not be targetable! Targeting should be calculated after each burst of damage.

That said, my experience playing with TINA was very positive during the time I was using it. The targeting should definitely still be able to hit the same troop twice, but only if the troop survived the first burst. When TINA wasn’t whiffing against 2 30HP troops, it was doing serious work. It kills at least one troop almost every cast, and gains a significant amount of armor each time. I’m considering placing it as A-Tier on my tier list.

But only if it’s fixed.


Looks like it’s confirmed a bug.


Expensive for me too!! 1400 gem keys, 6000 glory keys, 50VIP keys and 621 guild keys to get a single copy!!

2000 glory keys :slight_smile:


Last mythic in 50 glory keys. Was nuts.

This one was about 200 glory keys and 600 gem keys. Not too bad.

Can we get the name of Tina’s spell changed to Spray and Pray ? Thats pretty much what happens she just sprays that Gatling Gun and you pray that she hits the right things . :joy:


This has been around for a little while, now, with a couple of threads and troops like Ship’s Cannon and Infernus - I’m just kind of glad/really hoping Tina brings the attention to this issue that it (imo) needs :relaxed:.

Same thing, I think, different words.


Could be interesting (and broken, perhaps? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) to introduce a Mech or Dwarf troop that ‘repairs’ armor, in the same way that Heal restores life to the established maximum. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Actually they are different. Think about infernus. If the 2nd targeted enemy dies to 1st hit splash damage then the 2nd hit doesnt occur at all, and no splash damage from the 2nd hit
Infernus used to work the way cyrup described. His 2nd hit always occur even when the 2nd target is dead. He somehow got nerfed and the devs didnt even notice they changed the way his spell worked
Anyway i hope this time they recognize it as a bug and fix it so that infernus can be as great as he used to be. Poor guy got nerfed 3 times in a row

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In a match with 2 enemies left…cast tina but the spell only hits once. The other 2 casts were aimed at the 2 dead troops? Goodness this “bug” stinks considering the resources that i was lucky enough to burn through…hope it doesnt take a month to fix.

19K guild seals:

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