Originally published at: A New Mythic Approaches – Tian Yi – Gems of War
Tian Yu will be the only Mythic Troop available in Glory, Gem, Guild & VIP Chests for the next 7 days.
Originally published at: A New Mythic Approaches – Tian Yi – Gems of War
Tian Yu will be the only Mythic Troop available in Glory, Gem, Guild & VIP Chests for the next 7 days.
600 Gem Keys 4000 Glory Keys. Done.
(… Where is the thread for Fang Moor?)
4769 glory keys, 650 gem keys.
Not an ideal start to 2019, but could be worse.
Edit: Quest text is broken for the faction quest line for Fang Moor.
350 gem keys then 1000 glory keys
Congrats to all that got the new mythic.
On the face of it seems like a pretty bad troop, especially for 24 mana. Can’t think of a situation where I’d prefer this troop to Ketras given that they have very similar spells
The only thing that has me thinking is the “Steal Magic at the start of start of my turn” trait. After an Earth’s Fury shot he’s probably doing 50 damage increasing by 2 every turn? Not game-breaking, but that’ll put in work, especially for speed delves.
I also appreciate it says “…at the start of MY turn”, devs. There are an awful lot of traits out there that say “each turn” that actually mean this.
I found he pairs very well with Chief Dragon. I had fun building a new defense team this morning. It’s not a meta, but it is something that’ll take it to a boss.
112 Gem keys. Haha, I feel way luckier than I should be :3
Man, all these great pulls. I’m too chicken to spend my keys right now…
Only 50 gem keys, has to be my cheapest mythic pulled here
Gargoyle is an Epic 14 Mana and does 80+ splash damage and explodes some gems and to top it all in can be buffed with attack. Tian yi does 60 splash damage at 24 mana, and has fairly good stun capability.
hehe, kinda said same thing on psn lil ago, other than the stun that new mythic is worse than gargoyle in every way.
Cyrup did her best on stream to fight opponents with lower stats (so he was always doing x2 damage by default) than her trying to make him look good but you could notice there too.
But well, got him on first 50 guilld chests opened so cant complain, he can marry Valdis that felt lonely
750 glory keys. I’m ok with this.