You need to feel sorry for any animal that is JUST SO DELICIOUS, you can’t stop eating it… for example - Moas.
After feasting on Moas for the last few days, not only had Queen Grapplepot finally eaten her fill, but even Death had crashed on his Apocalyptic Sofa of Bones for a nice afternoon nap.
This lull in the constant chaos that is Krystara, was suddenly broken by a thunderous screech, as if something was rending the very fabric of space-time itself (or at the very least tearing a drumstick off a Moa the size of a small city).
It seemed that the aroma of a million roasted melt-in-your-mouth Moas had cried out across the Universe, and summoned the largest Dragon Centaur anyone had ever seen to their homeland - the Divinion Fields.
So put away the pâté, ditch your drumsticks, and wave off those wings, while we welcome Krystara’s newest threat - the Worldbreaker!
Please note this Troop is currently available on PC, Mobile, PS4 and XBox One.
665 gem keys
14500 seals (max level chest)
50 vip and finally.
He was expensive.
So far all I tried was
Bard hero with orpheus lute
Dragon claw banner.
He refills very quick if he’s not blocked and works OK with yas,although I really haven’t put any real thought into him yet. I’ll be interested in what tacet shows.