A bigger Chat please

all in the title:

it’s a bit small to read…


The whole UI is a mess I’ve been complaining all morning :open_mouth:

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Also stop blurring the background while chat is open.


That, I think, you can fix using the graphics options. You can increase or reduce the blur effect for background items.

I agree it is too small. Its hard to read. Make it bigger.


Agreed with size complaints on chat window, it needs to by re sizable.

great idea

The team is already looking into making the chat window bigger. :slight_smile: In fact, they may have already done this before I posted. :stuck_out_tongue:


I think it’s fine now since the last update (for me at least). I tuck it in the bottom right, it actually pins to the edges so u don’t see the expand arrows anymore (useless for me).

@Saltypatra Please you take this request into account.
as some say, i’ve no problem with this… big screen, play on computer… but i think for some who play mobile or with small screen… and some people people with poor eyesight…

Appreciate… Kaya

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Just to further this here, when we do move the Unity version to Mobile, we will be changing the size of the chat window for smaller devices.

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Is there any issues to make a resizable chat?

Thanks for this, I have terrible eyesight and the blur freaks me out.

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if i change game resolution will i get bigger text?
how about bigger chat for all devices?

how come you came up with such small chat window?
console (that supposedly uses nice big monitors) had almost full size chat and i thought we would just get the same?

Added to list Unity Changes (3.05 P.C / 3.1 rest of the systems) Changes that need to be rethought

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