8.0 Update: Immortals

I think what he is trying to say is GW will be brought back to encourage people to spend money on the new immortals. But my guess is they will probably wait to gauge which players are spending money first.

Just spotted this in the new sneak peek video. Gives some idea what the scaling is like:

Also saw that 4 of the immortal levels are just for the pet and 10 are just for the weapon:

Seems like a lot of levels spent on other power-ups.

And a preview of what the goals look like, and what they could be requiring:

And there’s gonna be 9 of them, each season.

And an exact figure for the season goals, of 2k per goal level and 180k overall:

So, that’s something, I guess. At least we know more stuff.


I broke down the total number of burning marks that can be earned in a pvp season from the video:

You can open 1 burning chest with 10 burning marks.
Free pass: 20×9=180–18 chests
Paid pass: 50×9= 450–45 chests
Season Goals: 60×9= 540–54 chests

If you pay for the pass, you will be able to open 45 more chests. We don’t know the percentages for the random drops from burning chests, but we will probably start a thread on that. I’m guessing that the rarity of drops will be in this order: silver/gold marks>>bronze/silver/gold icons>>immortal souls.


Somehow, I’m not the most pitchforky person for this update, since this could have been good in theory.

However in reality, seeing numbers like that, they’re so stingy on how many chests they give out that this feature is doomed to be underwhelming.

Kinda exactly like Shiny Chests.

Things like farming 800k VP every 77 days. Who checks their numbers?


Burning Chests are even worse than a Shiny Chest.

At least with a Shiny Chest you’re guaranteed to get a troop token, a Burning Chest doesn’t even guarantee you that since they loaded it with additional items, of which only one item can be earned.


That’s why burning chests are horrible. If you vary the immortal souls from 10-50, that’s fine. We can live with that randomness.

I’m going to make a safe assumption that nobody wants extra silver marks or vp from burning chests–because we can actually farm those resources if we want to. And the VP icons can cause a big problem that I can foresee when someone all of a sudden jumps way up in your pvp league. I might be dumb at times, but even I can see what you guys are doing–you want to inflate VP scoring so we play even more pvp. Enough is enough…:dizzy_face:

Burning marks are very limited and mostly locked behind a paywall or time invested activities with season goals. I will admit that the devs had a good concept of upgrading powerful troops like kingdoms, but it has been corrupted by greed and rng hell that can be tracked all the way back to when gem dragon eggs were first introduced. We need burning marks to only drop immortal souls, plain and simple.


… culmination, ultimate epic conclusion…

I don’t know what annoys me more: how awful this update is or how proud the devs are of it


Im reserving final judgment till i see what they do in the shop, they did state they are making burning marks available in the PvP shop with a weekly limit , and untill we see what limit and what the gold mark exchange rate is I cant post anything thing to negative YET :slight_smile: But first appearances looks like pay to win… … Lets hope not …

But they have also nerfed the ability to get gold marks by resetting your vp. So you won’t get them from the alliance rank until you rank up enough. Pennies add up over time.

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Also, stop your ability to convert to books to start with as vo won’t be high enough. Silver marks, another waste yj stop you getting stuff you need. How many people will be screwed over by battles to be top of a league only to be leap froggy by idol pojnts

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Is there already a date when Update will be done? I’m sorry but I did not find any information when it will start!

Tomorrow this abomination of an update should drop.

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There’s a bright side, we won’t lose 25% of our 0 VP if we switch alliances the first week after the update. Isn’t it nice how the devs care for us? :clown_face:


This looks more horrific that I first thought. I have zero interest in doing any of that.


Should be the 17th, according to this countdown.


My bad. You’re right. The countdown was posted on the 30th of June with a countdown for 18 days. So you’re correct that it’s either the 17th or the 18th then.


That’s when the update is out but it’s not set to start until the next week



It’s “psych”, not “sike”.


Sike is the internet misspelling that is established as valid slang by now. Doubt you’ll get it corrected again. I tried with things and gave up. :rofl:

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