8.0 Immortals Sneak Peek: A Quick Chat with Sirrian!

How can Alliance ranks and loyalty be kept if VP is 0? Each rank requires an amount of VP.

But… We were promised…

Will there be a headstart with the beginning of season 1?

As Sirrian said in the video (03:22)

your VP will reset to zero. You’ll need to earn it back during a new season to unlock alliance ranks, pvp shop items and such.

It seems to me that earning 800k VP every 11 weeks would be impossible for casual players.


There will be random Icons (bronze, Silver, Gold) that you can get from chests and earn some vp for the next season. Explained in the video.

you keep loyalty (otherwise not possible to reach 100 days in one season), but you loose VP and ofc rank


Right. But they will be earned through season 1 and will be a headstart for season 2.
Of course, it will be possible to exchange them during the first season, but I feel it can’t be considered a “headstart” then. :sweat_smile:

I’m just confused and a little frustrated by this “reset VP - lose alliance rank” situation.


Reading about what is coming made this update already sound horrible, but actually seeing it in the video, dear god that is horrendous. I already hate playing PvP now and only do so when a campaign task requires you to earn Glory. Why do the devs keep taking literally everything that players hate about the game and then make those things even worse?

I didn’t think the blatant cash grab attempts could get even worse, but the devs once again proved me wrong.

I’ve already been thinking about quitting the game, as I am so tired of grinding Explore trying to get the Horde Mimic troop, 2+ years of grinding and i’ve gotten the battle 28 times, but I’ve never gotten the troop card as a reward. You can’t earn it, work toward it, or craft it. You just have to keep playing and hope RNGesus is on your side 3 separate times. Its become demoralizing to say the least.

And now this horrific update that will turn PvP into an absolute grind for multiple limited resources, I just don’t think I have it in me to keep playing. This may finally be the final nail in the coffin for me as I definitely won’t be spending any money on this and I can’t see myself spending the time needed to grind this out, especially as its going to be seasonal. Nothing about this looks even remotely fun.


Excuse me!? Theyre reseting our vp!?

And our Alliance ranks, too :disappointed_relieved:

They must have hit their heads somewhere if they seriously think that someone who casually plays will get back to climbing the ranks again, regaining all the lost VPs and so on. At least, as far as I’m concerned, if they reset my VPs I’ll never try to get to 800k again.


Its telling that theres been no dev involvement with us since this news.


That is exactly, exactly how I feel. I like to support the games I enjoy and I absolutely refuse to spend money on in-game gambling mechanics. The very notion of that makes me low-key angry, tbh. If you want me to buy something, tell me what I’m getting or go away.


RNG of Wars

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yay… more pvp stuff we didnt ask for.

did anyone notice the HUGE pay to win option too.

devs there is a whole list of features that your community want. but you want a cash cow. your cows will eventually dry up


I really wish the devs would fix the dozens of bugs, glitches and design screw-ups rather than introducing new features… which inevitably seem to introduce new bugs, glitches and design screw-ups. Aaaargh!!!


I’m just waiting for this week’s PvP to break when the update roles out this week even though it doesn’t start till the next.

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You get 10% of their value if you carry them over to the next season, which seems to be far less than an hour of PvP in total, even in the best case. When they said “headstart” they were talking about a single baby step, nothing remotely noticeable.


“I don’t know how far up the ladder one must be to get even one daily gold mark”

I am Centurian l and have started to get 1 gold mark per day. Insulting I know. :rofl:
Anyhoo, I only play pvp for the alliance battles and winners collection and the “pvp goals” which I always use Victory Talismans to get to quickly (double VP)

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Perhaps they meant something we could buy :face_vomiting:

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Can anybody explain this season goal, please? (screenshot from the video)

What if I’m already in Diamond? What is this “9” counter? The number of weeks?

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From my understanding, if you are already in diamond, you’ll get to claim that goal fully. Diamond is the max (9/9) for that task.

On Taransworld it shows Immortal Glaycia being released next Monday with the start of the new season, so I would assume that the featured Immortal will be Glaycia instead of Empyrion (what is shown on the video). :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: