8.0 Immortals Sneak Peek: A Quick Chat with Sirrian!

“Your VP will be reset to zero. You’ll need to earn it back during the new season to unlock alliance ranks, PvP shop items and such.”

i.e. 800k VP and 100 days must somehow be squeezed in a 77 day period to reach max alliance rank. (that’s 10.4k VP/day & 1.3 days/day)

Monetized PvP is :zipper_mouth_face:



Your loyalty days shouldn’t reset, otherwise the top rank would be impossible to achieve. Still though, 800k VP in 11 weeks would require heavy PVP grinding. I’ll pass on that.


Haven’t seen any indication that loyalty days reset. It just means you can’t get the daily gold marks from your rank until you grind out crazy amounts of vp. The first week’s leaderboard will be insane every season.


Thanks, only the 10.4k VP/day then
:pray: :vulcan_salute:




…and that’s the minimum if you want to reach the rank on the last day of the season, which means little to no daily rank rewards before it resets again.

Hopefully GMs will help players realize how unhealthy it has gotten to chase all these timesink goal posts.
:pray: :vulcan_salute:


To be fair, a gold icon gives 5k, so if you earn a lot of icons, the amount you’d have to get each day would be a lot less, but I doubt we’ll be getting a gold icon every day, or even silver or bronze.

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Devs: campaign pass, kingdom pass, pvp pass
Me: hard pass


The next update will increase the daily VP amount that players will have to grind for, and as many players have already mentioned, we will have to get 800,000 VP every new season. Every time.

This promotes unhealthy gameplay, confusion and stress. We earn higher alliance ranks with loyalty and vp. Why should they reset unless we move to another alliance? All they need to do is keep a “bank” of our VP and save it in the alliance menu, so that we don’t technically have to earn it again. If you don’t want to do another pvp battle for the rest of your life, you should still get daily silver and gold marks based off your alliance rank.:rofl:

Please, for the love of Holy Saint Astra, let us keep our VP, so that the first week of a new pvp season isn’t an absolute bloodbath.


Watched the video and I’m not looking forward to all the new chores added to the to do list.
They sure are taking away the fun and making it feel more like a job but one that we have to pay to keep.
Man after 7 years I’ve never felt more like quitting and joining the hall of all the retired players.

We’ve lost a lot of good people over the years and with this update I guarantee more will quit.

Things are not looking good for us players.

They just want us to open our wallets and shut our mouths…

Here it is for those who don’t want to scroll up to the original post or miss the other one someone put up.


Soon as sirrian said we are listening to feedback i switched the video off. A blatant lie. You do NOT listen to feedback. If you had we would have had targeted dragon eggs by now. The sentinel issue would have been fixed, instead we had a new currency and pass. I find it hard to believe players wanted more rng and more passes/currencies. Stop with the lying and listen to player feedback before its too late


Also why do the immortal troops have its own souls? You said you listen to feedback but if you looked on here you would see we do NOT like random dragons, we do NOT like the ridiculously low chance of getting a sentinel and the lack of dupe protection. You then go and add MORE rng nonsense on top of what you already have done, proving you do not listen to player feedback. It’s laughable


Agreed. We hate PVP. 8.0 = Hard Pass and delete the game.


All I’m going to say is that I’m going for the achievements then I’m done with this mess of a game.


I bet you dont XD

Ive been pretty harsh posting some venom aimed at the devs but at the end of the day the game wont run on our love for it alone, they need money to keep the gears turning. I just hope they make the game rewards grindable,and they dont push us into a corner where its a choice of putting our hands in our pockets or deleting the game, and that wouldnt be the smartest move so im just reserving judgment till ive actually played the new content before taking a giant dump on it.


I love pvp and I can not wait for this new pvp season updates coming :heart_eyes:

Phew…slogged through that video…(that overexcited and overhyped presentation tone is an instant turnoff for me, strikes as fake as a fake fake, and initiates automatic backlash. Brr…thank heaven’s it was only five minutes long.)

One instant red flag that promptly came up - don’t worry, there are plenty of PvP related stuff still to come… really? Are you serious? And, of course, all of that stuff has been years into pipeline so - none of our feedback has been or ever will be taken into account when rolling it out. Thank you for being so considerate and attentive listeners!

EDIT. Okay, maybe this was just a nightmare scenario and I did mishear things. Thanks for pointing that out.


Number two - you’re basically destroying all the alliance loyalty ranks with VP and loyalty will reset to zero.
Now there is only one rank that matters (Legionary VIII) and that brings up the most terrible point - you are screwing us out of one day of gold marks from Citadel Rewards, aren’t you?

Correct me, if I’m wrong, oh, please, do; but right now it looks like this:
We win our Citadel Wars on Monday, so on Tuesday that one-time gold mark rewards for winning five battles is available.
In order to claim said reward player must be of rank Legionary VIII.
Legionary VIII requires spending 2 days in the alliance.
As we start Monday with 0 days spent in the alliance (because of the season reset), Tuesday reset bring it to 1 day and Wednesday reset brings it to 2 days at which point claiming gold mark rewards becomes possible, but - 24 hour period of claiming rewards for Monday’s victory has already ended by that time.

So…right now it looks like either you don’t know and can’t follow what is happening or it is a deliberate F-U-I-T-A move.

However, VP reset to zero still makes alliance ranks sort of pointless for, likely, most of players.
I don’t know how far up the ladder one must be to get even one daily gold mark and, judging by where I’m at now, one should probably play PvP exclusively to get there.

(Plus, imagine other criticisms - like, for example, what looks like absolutely awful burning mark chests - reiterated here.)


Truth. And I’m a firm believer in supporting games. Alas, every new update seems to make me want to spend less. It’s not even that I hate all of the content additions or even the obscene bloating of existing content (lookin at you pvp).

It’s that I only spend money on anything in my life, if I’m actually going to get something and if I’m going to use what I get.

So spending money on random chances to maybe get something? Hard pass for me. And speaking of passes… I won’t be able to do all of the endless grinding to fill the never ending pile of passes. So I won’t be buying them, either.

This game needs a content “haircut” and monetization that adds value to the player experience. If I want to play slot machines, I’d go to the casino.


i listened to the video several times and sirrian said VP will reset to zero, not loyalty…or i dreamed it