7.5 Update: United We Stand

Did the purple team receive any prizes for their victories?
Or didn’t you receive anything?

Nope - think it was just a trial run. It was only live for a few hours so…

There are purple crowns on the Citadels but no gold marks instead of the silver ones.

Can someone please translate the extensive explanation about the update into Dutch? Google translate can’t handle it, and it gives me a headache trying :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:


No prizes, but I don’t think there are supposed to be any. It’s just the ‘special’ gold mark region bonus for the next 24 hours, but that apparently isn’t working.

Gold badges are only given to members of the Legionnaire VIII rank. I haven’t chosen Alliance yet, so I can’t see the requirements for this rank. Check if you have this rank.

You do, everyone starts higher than that in their first alliance. Good thought though, I had to double check that too.

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Just a reference:

Legionary VIII is 1,500 VP/2 days loyalty

First join bonus gives 10 days loyalty, which started a lot of us at Centurion V. However, it also requires 220,000 VP to be at that point which may not be the easiest for some people.

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Was there a 20% increase in statistics before the reset? The Alliances did not yet have a single Citadel.

yes there was

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Don’t worry, even in English I don’t think any of us truly understands it until we actually play the mode for a while.



Wonder how the Bright Empire managed to win Broken Lands when it’s first up for grabs in about two days?


Smells like a bug to me. Perhaps best to report it

If you want us to be so united then give us the autotranslation in alliance chat! Game is already strongly bonded to the internet, a LOT of people are speaking about autotranslation in dark order alliance right now, we don’t want problems caused by linguistic barrier!


So what is the reasoning behind no Citadel War on Wednesday? Sundays I can understand because of voting but Wednesday is a mystery to me.


On Wednesdays another important event - pet rescue :rofl:


I heard in France you have a day off on Wednesday
in the universe of this game we will live according to the French schedule


Why not 6 Alliances (means every color the game is build around) and 6 citadel guardians? Makes no sense…


Not seen it mentioned in the patch notes, or by players, but why have we now got annoying little animations in the middle of the screen when we complete daily tasks?
It’s like the ones for getting 5 silver mark battles and earning the marks, which are supposed to be skipable but aren’t.
We already had the banner that appears in the top corner to let us know we completed the task, and that was fine. Why has it been changed to an annoying animation taking up the middle of the screen and slowing us down?