7.5 Update: United We Stand

They release new content, and you cannot play it on the first day. I mean who plans this stuff?


I really like the introduction of the different gems does bring a bit of variety ā€¦ Very Nice Idea Devs :slight_smile:

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They might have accidentally added another zero on their probability though :slight_smile:

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So far, I donā€™t see why should I keep doing this without rewards right now.


Iā€™m just putting this out there

But we all know, Wednesday is our rest day, pet day woop
Nothing else

So they might of thought, less people play Wednesday, and if we make people play.
Theyā€™ll complain

So as our stats show, less activity on a Wednesday, we will keep it that way

Thatā€™s why Iā€™d think, Wednesday is free.

Schedule this week had 3 Towers on Tuesday, and will have 2 each on Thursday and Friday, and 1 on Saturday. So isnā€™t that ā€œ1-3 per day (except Wed/Sun)ā€ rather ā€œ1-2 once a weekā€?

Can we get any more details on this? Does the 24 hrs mean players can get gold marks repeatedly for a 24 hr period (by cycling the bonus through different regions, bringing it back to the special bonus region to be earned again), or itā€™s a one off reward that you have 24 hrs to claim?

What about the scaling of the gold marks? Any more details on that?

Iā€™m still trying to figure out if itā€™s better to go for the biggest alliance (and have a chance to earn this unknown amount of gold marks) or go for a small alliance and get 20% bonus stats for PvP, making Citadel battles worth 15 gold marks a bit easier.


I am already tired of the new PvP, then this alliance thing comes. Sadly it doesnā€™t do a lot to help the PvP.

In my book it would be an instant win to reset everything, then go back to the old PvP and do a few changes, but that was a good platform to build around. Many missing the casual PvP as well.

Keep it simple is and will always be a win, complicate things and eldery players will dissappear in a blink of an eye.

I really struggle to understand that this Alliance thing was pretty much everything the devs worked with within the game the latest yearā€¦

ā€¦while players are screaming for troop balance changes, buffs, new kingdoms and yes all the fun stuff.

What happened to the fun stuff? Things are getting boring and complicated.

And last, I hate to be this negative and ungrateful dude. It doesnā€™t define me as a person, but good to let it out.


Iā€™m sure itā€™s already been written, but can I just say that I think itā€™s a real shame to introduce the new mode on a day when it canā€™t be played?

Without wanting to moan: As a ā€˜paying customerā€™, I just canā€™t like the service.
And the developers have certainly lost a bit of money as a result.

From what I know so far, a player AND developer-friendly solution would be quite simple: for example, only the 100 players with the highest score per alliance would be counted (highest six battles).
That way, it wouldnā€™t matter how many members one of the alliances has. Those who want to pay for more trials/battles can do so. But it doesnā€™t penalise ftp players either. It would also be good to cluster the players according to level, so that a level 23 does not have to fight against 2400.

And please: Why no games on Wednesdays, when there is time besides the two-minute pet rescue!?!

My 2 cents - may they be heard, my patience is running out.


I like the alliance chat: Iā€™m happy to be able to play with former Mates again without having to change guilds - even if itā€™s a Babylonian babble of voices :wink:


Ridiculously over complicated. I donā€™t have the slightest clue what the hell im supposed to be doing.


Just join an Alliance and do the 6 Citadel Battles every dayā€¦it is really simple.

No Citadel battles on Wednesdays and Sundays though.


was there citadel battles today, b/c i join an alliance and it says battles closed , i heard from others in my alliance they had battled and got points for alliance but i see it locked so when devs say open for 1 day they really mean few hours after reset or update. btw in purple alliance. Than they give us an alliance chat to watch others chat while some of us are trying to figure out how to get to centurion V just to chat

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Oh, another PVP-centric update. Not gonna look for things to complain about, but thereā€™s just nothing for me to see here.

Thereā€™s no citadel battles on Wed (pet rescue) and Sun (voting day)


thank you @Anam_Cara

Anytime, glad to help out :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

For Centurion V you need atleast 220k Victory Points from playing PvP.

And 800K for the highest rank. But also you need to be loyal to the Alliance for 100 days. Guess Iā€™ll just wait another 3 months to get there. :wink:

please can we make the kingdom restriction or troop type, apply to class too.
doing the adana restriction and in still sick of seeing elementalist.


To be not able to write into the allience chat because some people play PvP casual and donā€™t have the 220k points hinders me the most at the moment.