7.5 Update: United We Stand

I’s like know all the rewards I can have for max rank. Because it could be better stay in a alliance that don’t get citadels.

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I thought about this too - but then realized if all players jump to the weakest Alliance with no Citadels, well then all of a sudden it will be the strongest and have all Citadels, because scoring is based on numbers and the total.

Unless one regularly changes Alliances I guess…but then every time you lose 25% VP. Does that matter?

Like you said - the rewards for rank will be an important factor. But the rewards list has not been published anywhere - why? Is it a secret? Are the rewards for rank so bad they needed to be kept secret?


Loosing VP will block ranking up.

bon la sérieusement ça part en cacahuète ce jeu , vous êtes sérieux les devs , ça fait combien de temps que vous avez planté la GW avec votre mise a jour du PVP en fin d’année dernière, et la , au lieu de réparer vos erreurs vous sortez un autre mode de jeux ou il faut avoir 2 prix nobels , bac+40 , un QI de 800 , des yeux laser pour une simple variante totalement inutile du PVP actuels , complétement incompréhensible, donc vous prenez plus les joueurs pour des chèvres d’un point de vu individuel mais maintenant vous les prenez pour des idiots en masse pas paquet d’alliance , ne vous étonnez pas si les joueurs lâchent le jeu et que moins d’argent entre en caisse, vous n’améliorez absolument rien , vos idées sont affligeante , franchement je me demande encore quel mode de jeu est amusant
C’est pitoyable ce mode de jeu c’est de la merde , comme toutes vos dernières maj


Saw via helpdesk page that Praefect rank give +2 gold marks. I assume that means Centurion 1 gives +1 gold marks, or the system gives at least +2 gold marks for each rank above Centurion.
So Great General (max rank) would give +5-8 gold marks every day, at least.
Not huge, but given that it’s a daily bonus, that lasts until the end of the season, it’s definitely worth having.
Now, if we just knew how long seasons are, and when the first starts, that’d be helpful.

season 1 starts at 8.0, now that info is still as good as not knowing but its something.

Will the 20% stat bonus also be in effect for guild wars?

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Dragon Gems on PvP lol
Isn’t that a little too much that comes down there?


Looks suspiciously like the total drop in chance takes effect individually for each color. :sweat_smile:


It’s a Coin flip 50/50
Either you Win straight away or you lose straight away :rofl:


Have you seen the potion battles?


Giant Gems have been equally colorful and aggressive in reaction lol


The potion battles are awesome lol. Especially with certain teams. Everytime, I think, this can’t be right. :joy:


There’s a reason metagame discussions prefer the term “OU” over “OP”. The two terms tend to overlap (a lot), but one is much easier to verify objectively.

Otherwise, second that. I recognize that early-game players might not have access to all classes yet (when PVP as a mode is accessible almost immediately), but you CAN run a Hero classless if you need to (as proven by the original, new game Broken Spire quest) and it’s just plain ridiculous that the Hero gets to be exempt from nearly every restriction imposed on other Troops and I suspect this was part of the reason they got removed from Arena runs entirely.

I also second this. I enjoy using various classes/weapons, but feel like it’s either use elementalist+wand of stars or lose due to being entangled, frozen etc, and never getting a turn unless you manage to insta kill the worst offenders.

It would also actually be a good way for newer players to level classes. I used to use pvp to level classes, but it’s mostly an exercise in futility now.

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Potion gems are worse, go try strix and any team with wand. They destroy you slowly.


Asking for class specific areas for kingdoms/troop type is a be careful what you wish for kind of moment.

Once you start forcing classes to certain areas, most teams are going to trigger their pet/epic trials pet bonuses boosted by 50% blood frenzy bonus stats if active. It gets kinda nuts, especially if it boosts magic in any way. I’ve already seen quad Adana team Blood Frenzy in action… it adds a hilariously high amount of armor to the point that Tesla can one shot team wipe, especially in any mirror match.


Can you elaborate on this? It’s not like you can’t use the specific class now, so if it was so OP, wouldn’t everyone be doing it willingly?

I don’t use Tesla vs Tesla myself, since I’m not super-duper high level, and you have to buff armour, which means instant wipe when facing her anyway a lot of the time, especially if using mechanist and the opponent has you entangled, frozen etc because they are not. It might be more interesting if we were sometimes facing teams from a different area, rather than pitching the same against one another.


They aren’t now because many people are using Elementalist and other classes. for good reason.

It’s a trade off of stats vs effects. If I don’t need Elementalist, then I can do x thing instead. For example: in the Construct area, I can use Groevanga to indirectly cleanse and other things, so I’m free not to use Wand of Stars (in my discretion) and use “fun” things like Trick and Treat instead.

What happens when the thing you can do is the mandatory only thing available?


So am I understanding this correctly?

They design a team system with nothing to counterbalance the sheer weight of numbers. Everyone joins purple, so purple wins by default. The only way for the other four teams to see any rewards is by bailing, losing VP, and joining purple.

Then they design a leaderboard where no one can compete without dropping money.

They also build it so that even if you hate yourself enough to give in and pay for sigils, you still won’t have a prayer of ranking high unless you happen to be low-level enough to get high VP returns.

And if you blithely drop 30USD a week on sigils, it puts you in contention for a reward of… 100 gold marks? Which you could have just wasted 20USD on in the PVP shop instead, and not be forced to claw your way up a leaderboard to get it?

All the while they make sure nothing gets explained in-game of course.

Then they can’t even deliver on what they’ve promised, and the “victorious” alliance doesn’t see their rewards.

What a masterclass in god-awful design. Really, I’m in awe.