7.5 Update: United We Stand

I still don’t get it, as my initial point was you end up being forced to use elementalist / wand because everyone else is and although there are other ways to do it, it’s the safest option, at least when you are not level gazillion, and it’s boring. Unless you can explode the gargoyle gems using the extra turn with Groevanga, you can also end up setting up the opposition, especially if they have Czernobog eg. Ofc I might just be stupid.

Mostly accurate overall, yeah.

The thing remaining to be seen is how many gold marks are available in the special region zone per play. If the payout is 1 gold mark for 5 battles and you have to farm silver mark bonuses until it comes back to that special region to get more gold marks, I’d rather be in a losing allegiance and just keep the 20% pvp stat bonus.

I can get the loyalty bonus in any allegiance and zone voting doesn’t matter to me.

The only thing preventing mass switching to other alliances would be leaving penalties (for me, mainly loyalty time loss)


yup, you nailed it, more or less. You forgot to mention the 15 gold marks total after beating a guardian + people who want ALL gold marks from all sources can buy the maximum number of both packs, the simple daily Gold Mark Pack AND the sigils at citadel war days. Needless to say this stuff is only for whales of the game something they consider to invest. For everyone else it’s easier to stick with the direct gold mark pack, unless they want to gamble for 60 gold marks via sigils, with the chance to lose some after losing a fight.

In my case i stick with the free sigils and grab the weekly gold marks for VP. The only thing i don’t know yet: How many gold marks can you grab if the aliance wins both citadels. 2x25? less, because it scales with the amount of players? Can you grab the marks more than one time? This is the big question to me, because the 20% stat pvp buff for underdog allances also seems nice, but i want to know how hard/easy you get gold marks for winning a citadel with the one and only dark order alliance. :smile:


That’s the thing. You don’t “have to” use Elementalist or Wand in the current state of the game.

In a lot zones, it might be very ideal to use either/or/both to prevent being looped out, but it’s not mandatory and it’s up to the player to decide what the best solution to the puzzle would be.

For many people, its just using what everyone else is using and that’s fine. Many are the type to set it and forget it, which in that case, yes Elementalist + Wand would be the easiest to just set up and play. Won’t always need it, but for many people, why take the time to adjust what works?

In some zones, Elemental/Wand becomes a crutch of convenience, but you don’t need them to succeed.

And really, nothing says you have to run both together at the same time to be successful.

So at what points do other classes benefit you more than Elementalist?

For me, if I can freeze in a different way, or if the battle situation involved doesn’t loop very often, then I can probably get away with not using Elementalist. I’ll use something else to speed my plan along, even if its just Sunspear/Stormcaller/Geomancer/other things. Like if we use Explore 12 as a slightly unrelated tangent to PvP… battles I don’t normally struggle with, I don’t use Wand or Elementalist because I don’t need em, flat out.

It’s a case by case situation. The dev team also made it impractical to team switch, so I’m usually sticking with the team setup for the most dangerous opponents, even if the current opponents don’t come across as a threat.

Same with Wand, if I can find something that does the function that I would run Wand for, I’ll use something else. Frankly, I get annoyed by how often Wand misses in crucial moments.

However, if you end up limiting that and forcing specific classes in certain areas, you’re removing options and limiting things even more than it currently is. And in this case, we’re trading off Elementalist for:

Stormheim: Mandatory Titan hero class

4 unique Stormheim troops: 60 Life
4 unique Stormheim troops (Kingdom Team Bonus): 42 Life, 18 Armor, 6 Attack

4 unique Giants: 12 Life, 6 Attack

and if you happen to stack other bonuses like:

4 unique Blue troops: 24 Armor
3 unique Elemental troops: 16 Life, 8 Attack

A gain of +130 HP, +42 Armor, +20 Attack.
+50% bonus stats to the opponents in Blood Frenzy. +195 HP, +63 Armor, +30 Attack.

and lord help you if they have even more stats form having Kingdom Level 18/ Kingdom Team Bonus Tier V

and… imagine if you don’t have these pets leveled/maxed. It becomes even more uneven.

What would a hero running Elementalist have?
+94 Life, +36 Armor, +11 Attack, +8 Magic

Trade-offs. What’s the most optimal hero class in Stormheim? That’s up to the player to decide currently.

Forced hero classes, not so much. You’re forcing hyper inflated stats instead.

I’m using my own Czernobog to blow up Groevanga’s gargoyle gems before they can in most situations.

As long as Groevanga isn’t frozen, I can follow up with Czernobog to easily set it off, even if my Czernobog is frozen.

If my Groevanga is frozen, I just pay attention to make sure their Czernobog isn’t full and I can cast/lose turn, then pop it next turn with my Czernobog/other things like Doomskulls etc.

I love the amount of special gems dropping in pvp. It’s hilarious. :rofl:


With mana potion gems in stryx region
it’s a perpetual motion machine :woozy_face:


Yep. It’s funny. :joy:
Funnier of course if they pop for me. :wink:


It’s even more hilarious when you look at the details. The leaderboard is for the whole week, summing up points gained from each individual Citadel event. The 3 players (out of like 100000) who score the highest total sum receive some gold marks. Math says your chances to get anything out of it are basically zero, even if you drop as much money as possible in participation fees.


If you add up Alliance scores and divide by an average score - say 70 x 3 for the three days we have had PVP, so 210…you will find the game as only 3000 active players. (PC/Mobile).

It’s funny in this kind of posts, we never see those people who claim every bug should be reported even if it benefits the players. They are more interested in reporting bugs that actually benefit the players but not the other way around.

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What is their slogan? “A BUG IS A BUG AND SHOULD BE REPORTED”

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On PS, yesterday’s scores add up to 100,787. Divided by an average score of 70, which might be a little high, would give active (PvP) players as around 1440 that played citadel wars yesterday.
Not sure how accurate that is, but it’s interesting.

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Oops, I posted in the wrong thread? :rofl:
Maybe I forgot to test my posts before release? Lack of QA? Hmm intriguing :thinking:

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Depending on how we farm for gold marks after we win citadel should determine if its worth staying in the more popular guild. I mentioned in similar forums, the 20% skill bonus is a big advantage. I was winning battles in under 20 seconds instead of 30-40 seconds. It makes the weaker alliances easier for them to win battles and score higher in both pvp brackets and global brackets. Some players may not want to spend time farming and would rather just get the easy 15 gold marks by beating the 5 daily battles. They would want the extra skill bonus to make it easier for them to win. Also, I mentioned about waiting to join alliance achievement not popping. There are some achievements that took a long time to get, like the hoard mimic achievement. At the end of the season, all of our stats and days reset back to 0. So, leave the current alliance and join whichever to get the achievement to pop. Lose 0 or 1 day, 0 vp and pop it. Problem solved. Lets see how getting those gold marks after we beat a citadel before they make any changes in balancing.


Is there an estimated release date for Nintendo Switch?

Getting something done about repeat of questline after repeat of questline is good.
And that’s it. Some other things come either with caveats, like -


shortening Holday Event animation…remind us again, why that annoying pile of is there in the first place?
adding a total of +/- mana - oh, there was a time when this info (and much more) was available with a single click, instead of multiple clicks that players must perform now, right up until…somebody decided to drop annoying and unnecessary interface “improvements” that no player wanted or asked for to begin with and that only broke stuff instead of making one single thing better (or, at the very least, leaving it in the same state);

or are just…well, not good, like - stupid unsmart popup in the middle of the screen when finishing some task for daily XP bonus or defeating Underspire boss for a keystone. What? Do you consider me some kind of special creature that needs it rubbed in my face again and again and again and again and again and again or I’ll miss it? Who was the wisebrain to come up with this brilliant decision? Give’em a bird (species is up to you) from me.

And the messy elephant in the room that is Alliances (where I, after some deliberation, jumped the ship. 20% bonus while in eternal losers is barely impactful for me, played with it, played without it, changes almost nothing as far as I’m concerned, just some junk; so now I wait to see whether being among the only winners possibly offers anything worthwhile. )

Alliance leaderboard that is dead content from the get-go, well, to be more precise - pay-to-win content from the get-go, so dead to me. Even assuming that I decided to spend money on this particular game feature, there’s still not a snowball’s chance in hell for me to accomplish anything, and do you know why? Because of your special PvP love for high level players that disqualify people like me from leaderboard by default and there is no way around it. Congratulations! Oh, please, find new ways to punish and torment those high level folks, they truly deserve it! How dare they level up!

And chopping VP for leaving the Alliance…what for? What have my VP - that I gain outside of all Alliance business - to do with anything? Fine, I understand if you only took what one gains in Citadel battles, that’s fair; but overall score? Nope. And the higher that overall score is, the more you chop off…why? What is the impeccable reasoning behind such design choice?


Still nothing, probably to busy swimming in the hoards of cash people are spending on the game…


Just FYI,

The new Steam achievement for defeating Citadel Guardians appears to be unlocked by 5, not 10 as the achievement text suggests.


I got rewards from glacial peaks and then goblin and they were my first two regional battle rewards. There needs to be more clarity from devs here.


I played on Android version previous battles. Launched Steam today for Guardian battle. I expected this to count as the first battle. But the achievement appeared immediately. So the progress of battles with the Guardian is transferred from Android to Steam. And I can go back to my phone again

I’m looking forward to fixing the solution with the ‘Part of the Club’ achievement. It is not available on Android, and it is not registered in Steam if you have already joined the Alliance on Android version :sweat_smile: