7.1 Update: Paragon's Path

@Jeto For Switch too?

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This is the highest Cashmaker update since 4.9.


OOOHHHH!! I can’t wait to spend more cash on this game… :roll_eyes:


Just when one would think that the devs have converted every possible game function to a monetization model, they find a way to monetize the act of grinding XP.

So… what’s the over/under on there being Path-specific chest troops existing to fuel a cycle of grinding XP with these new boosters to gain keys for these chests (surely much more with a paid pass) to fuel a new cycle of spending?

I wonder how many more GoW memes will be born from these changes? :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue:

In addition.


Ah, now it makes sense. So that’s why we have fantasy pricings ingame? :slight_smile:

I do have a curious question about the Exalted Path resetting every 500 levels, will it be every multiple of 500 (level 1500, 2000, 2500 etc) or every 500 additional levels from the time of this update? What I mean is if someone is (for example) level 1325 as of this update, would it reset for them at 1500 or 1825?


End gamers need books and deeds but are offered diamonds, cursed ruins and dragonite. Lots of end gamers have 100k plus diamonds so there is that. :rofl:


Yeah, this “achievement” makes me actively annoyed. It’s like the word achievement has lost all meaning.

@Jeto @Kafka @Bramble


“we have fixed an assortment of smaller issues.”

Yep, they always can fall back on this line if we bring up anything. I’ll have to wait and c how our cards, er, I mean troops look tomorrow, but I didn’t c any changes that jumped out at me.

Most of this game is just destroying everything with overpowered troops, but during guild wars, we need to be able to clearly c the enemy stats instead of squinting. I wish life, attack and armor were moved to the bottom row of the troop card so it would be easier to c.

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Definately not the worst…at least troops will be easier to see

Just want to say thank you for some advanced notice, nice to know what to expect :slight_smile:

The update itself seems meh, but if at least resolves accessibility issues that came with the updated troops look, then :+1: :+1:

Glad to see your fixing issues with the troop cards as players requested…however instead of “Geoff” spamming cheevo it would have been nice to put all old weapons in soulforge rotation as players have requested

Us switch users have been left in the dark and unable to get those exclusive money locked weapons for such a long time! We need those weapons to be available in the soulforge or from flash offers. (I would rather not have to pay money for them but so be it)

I know that the developers r busy but please just let us know that this issue is being looked at or an ETA of when we can expect these weapons to be available.

@Bramble @Kafka @Jeto or anyone else.:sunglasses:

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As Vorlon said, many of us here have 2 Needs: Deed Books and Imperial Deeds. That is all. We can grind medals when we have time. We cannot grind the hundreds (thousands?) of deeds we need to upgrade to books, to upgrade all these kingdom power levels which need kingdom levels to 18 (and eventually 20). I have 20 kingdoms sitting at power level 26… I haven’t even bothered to count how many deeds/books I need…


Technically, there’s the merchant and the angel, so depending on how intense and enduring you regard grinding…

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An update of more things I will never spend real money on.

What was needed was a new sort option for the Shiny troops so we could actually see which ones can become Shiny that we have or don’t have and what level they are.

And yet, none of this do I really care about, as I am still hunting that stupid Horde Mimic in explore after a year and half. I’ve encountered the battle 19 times in so far, essentially once per month. And have yet to get the stupid troop. This pure luck based nonsense behind 3 separate RNGs is pure idiocy. There should be a way to at least earn the battle and not have to rely on dumb luck.


I have a daily task to complete four full adventure boards. Which refresh once a day. Okay then.


So im not seeing an option to purchase the passes that we outlevel, judging by what is in the 1000+ pass, i would like to know whats in the other ones to see if its worth buying. If they are NOT available for purchase, then cool, screwing over late game players again.

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