7.1 Bug Update (Please read before submitting any new reports/tickets)

Definitely sucks for anyone who boughts more tiers later in the week to make up for lost time (myself included, although I didn’t finish Underspire last week as I was not about to spend that many gems).

I would love to hear:

A) How/why this many errors occurred in the first place, passing QA (responses of “they dont have QA” incoming)

B) Why issues like these are so incredibly common to this game

C) What will be done to prevent such issues going forwards

I don’t expect we’ll get answers on those points, though :confused: Worth noting that I have never and will never view the devs as actively malicious or lazy, as I want to give the benefit of the doubt that this is some managerial, structural constraint, be it lack of employees, crunched time, etc. But it really sucks that this is the norm and players often come to fear updates more than be excited for them.