6.9 Update: Trials of the Conqueror

Sorry, I can’t afford the starry pet. I don’t have 1000000 gems lying around…

These trials are absolutely TERRIBLE! I had all the challenges completed already so I am on the Epic battles and it is just spamming Todd Greenwood’s attack over and over for 4 troops. Who the hell in the dev team thought this would be fun?


I’m aware, thank you. I had to give a relevant example, something everyone can still see. It’s still a bad design to have to spam Todd to win. It’s clear that the Vulpacea team is designed to use Todd to win. It’s still bad that it includes non-synergy to that strategy. I will not call that a GOOD trial team. It may be one of the easier teams to win with. The solution to Trials problem is still not to make 37 Todd/Chalcedony/Elf version.


I just realized that the devs know how horrible Epic Trials and Class Trials are by using the word “Trial” as a euphemism for garbage.

It can’t be a coincidence.

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Trash worse than delves.

Since we have limited time to complete the trial and take the pet, if nothing else Todd gets the work done, and the other three fellows at least make sense.

Other teams have no prayer in hell to function. It could have been interesting to have weak characters with interesting interactions, but it’s not what’s going on. Teams make no sense.

You see, I don’t really care. If you think it’s strong to throw around childish insults then be my guest.

I for one don’t think that war times were anything great and to be proud of. And they aren’t anywhere were they still fight wars.

I think having empathy for others is far harder and makes people far stronger than killing others for no reason other than to make the rich richer and the powerful more powerful.

It’s also far tougher to try to be civil than to try and antagonize everyone. It takes more thought.

I’m not flagging you, but I do understand why people do it.


I finished the epic trial because I have no intent on spending 1k gems to max that pet right now.

That’s not difficult, just mind numbingly boring. For endgamers, that is.

I think it went a bit like this…

What players say: Legends Reborn is so boring. We need to spam easy battles over and over again, plus there are so many clicks. We hate that.

What devs understood: The players hate to play too many battles, and they think they’re too easy. Let’s give them a challenge:

“Here are trials. They’re hard. You can’t even use the hero, can’t select the team, and the teams we built for you have no synergy. But there are far fewer battles. None of the things you said you didn’t like.”

Well, don’t have to tell anyone that this is not what we said.

We also said we hate arena.

This is worse than arena. It’s arena paired with pure faction, and on steroids.

I get that the gem sink part. Not a fan but I get it. But the rest…

I think the devs should actually read the forums themselves, not have someone tell them what we said. Feels like a game of telephone that went wrong.


Yet another update that benefits new and midrange players and give a middle finger to the vets like me! Allow me to first say From what I can see the change seems like a good idea. It will allow for players to uses cards they normally won’t uses. The rewards from what I understand is adequate. Sadly for a player who has been playing the game since Moses was a child We are once again left out! I was lucky one of my kingdoms had one trial to do. A idea so EVERYONE benefits from the update add one level to each kingdom so older player can participate

I have removed some points as this thread was getting combative and inappropriate - please keep things constructive & on topic. Most especially this is not the place to insult one another.


Guess while people are already angry and frustrated, it happens that that gets misdirected.

No that I’m innocent and didn’t partly derail the thread myself… :sweat_smile:

[Switch] Battlecrasher is bugged.

Well well, I was not expecting the Switch to receive this update concurrently!

So here are my impressions:

  • Various UI updates … meh, whatever.

  • New Player content … doesn’t apply to me, so whatevs.

  • Battlecrasher changes: The latest in a long tradition of day-one bugs, can’t issue a judgement until that is fixed. Announcement implies it will require less time investment though, which is always a good thing.

  • Campaign Task changes: Already completed my tasks for this week, can’t give a judgement until next week.

Trials (because this absolutely requires going into some details)

  • So they reduced the battle count from 7 per tier to 1 per tier while keeping the same cumulative rewards per tier – in isolation, this is a MAJOR plus and don’t let anyone persuade you otherwise.
  • The only downside is that you must use a fixed team to fight another fixed team. Some of these teams are quite good (e.g. Hellcrag) but clearly this will vary per kingdom.
  • The increasing levels with each tier is not unlike the weekly Event battle (especially if the map gets flooded with the same Troop). To this end, I don’t have a necessary problem with the “Epic Trials” (above Lv.10) being super difficult – again, it’s one fixed team vs. another so the team strategy is the same, the only difference is the scale of numbers involved.
  • Only completionists need apply for the Epic Trials, in the same way as grinding a Delve out to Lv.500, or trying to climb basically any event leaderboard. As for me, I might try Epic Trials from time to time in the same way as I’ll spend daily Delve Tokens from time to time, but I won’t stress over the rewards. That mentality is just too hardcore for me.

From a versioning perspective, these are technically “minor” updates.

And if I may play devil’s advocate for a moment … what if Gem Dragons may be getting a rework as part of the internal roadmap for a 7.0 update? Obviously we have zero information into any specific plans for alleviating the frustration of Gem Dragon crafting, but I’ll give it the token “non-zero probability” of happening in some (as yet unspecified) future update.

I don’t see where the problem is here yet. Trials 1-10 reward the same materials cumulatively as Challenges 1-10 before them, just with 7x fewer battles (as long as you can work with the fixed team). What Kingdoms are proving to be the worst at their respective Trials?

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I play gems of war on switch, and I have to agree with @Jeto. The forums are a dumpster fire on this topic where people are ranting, raging, just letting thier frustrations boil over, getting out some of that bottled up rage.

Even I had my share of ranting while completing my epic trials in the blighted lands. Yes, I had some choice words when I was able to whittle down their team down to just the infernal king and have him revive on 4 separate attempts.

But u know what? It was a challenge I get only once a month during guild wars. Potionless pure factions also had that same feeling of a good challenge that felt like u got a little better at the game. A little part of me misses those pray-for-jesus-give-me-some-lucky moments to get that feeling of accomplishment and not just endless grinding.


As others have mentioned, these epic trials r pure factions on steroids mixed with RNG hell that require too much luck involved in order to squeeze out the victory. It does not matter how skillful u think u r @ this game. Bad things will happen. Choice words will be said.

I do not know if this was a forced update. To me, this update has a lot of unknowns and assumptions all over the place, and I would like to know why things actually happened the way the did. I would like to sit down with the developers and have a professional conversation with them. Talk things over like an adult and leave all the problems behind.

Maybe (and surely) they will just take a vacation from this and come back to work on Monday like nothing happened.


The fact that they are keeping the rewards is a big plus. But it is not only reducing 7 battles to 1. Oh, 7 battles it’s time consuming? If you are a mid/late player, you can always choose a specific team and the time is not a problem anymore. The fixed team, depending on the kingdom, can take as long as 7 battles. But we have also lost the class XP, the trophies (7 trophies to 1. not a great amount, but it is a loss) the ability to test teams, troops synergy and other small things. It’s also the meaning of those changes. They’e changed something that we don’t see that many negatives feedback. And, thinking a little more now, they’ve probably changed to support the campaign changes that we don’t know if will do any good that they are expecting.
Changing thing for new players? Good for them. Trials are not for begginers, even if they repeat that this mode “will help instruct the mechanics of the game”.


Wait … what the… We are now forced to use teams the devs came up with in “trials”… this is worse than arena.


The challenges were extremely useful for class XP, and they weren’t exactly cakewalks at higher levels, either. There was a dev brainlock in not taking that factor into account before dropping them from the game. I wish they could be preserved as a separate gamemode, similar to Explore. If they want to tie kingdom levels to the trials, fine, but let us run the challenges separately for peanut rewards and the XP, In fact a run of 7 challenge battles could have the exact same reward as a run of 5 Explore battles.


This suggestion makes so much sense to me. I enjoyed the challenges and the freedom they offered in terms of team selection. While I feel there are enough game modes that restrict our teams, designing trials in the way you suggest could be an enjoyable way to play an “event” at our leisure whenever & w/o the pressures of having to excel for the sake of guildmates. Summary: trials after challenges, with our hero, & our own teams w/some of the restrictions VampireViking suggests.


There’s going to be a lot of disappointed achievement hunters come Monday if they don’t get on Elite Tier 5 with Vulpacea. Helcrag is the only other looping troop Kingdom I could see in this new mode. Granted, Chalcedony loops better than Todd for me, but hits for nearly half so will take longer.

Edit: is there an ETA on when the achievements go live for Xbox?

Edit edit: I see there’s an issue now and waiting on Microsoft.

try reinstalling the game