6.5 Update: Dragon's Path

This is the worse update yet. Nothing will change my mind.

That’s much better than the Hoard Mimic progression of “you don’t get it until suddenly you do”.

Indeed. As an achievement hunter, my fear is that I’ll get the Hoard Mimic when I’m playing on my phone and not on Steam :face_vomiting:


I’m also a f2p and thanks to the community, I did Frostfire Keep pure faction and with the 3000 gems I was saving for that week I’m going to buy an egg, I think I’m gonna get the achiev for the egg before the perfect one.

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I kinda feel that there is too many traps, 1 would be fine, but 2 is overkill.

Today me and @Whiskeyjack pulled off two traps a row on our first 2 cards…

This will be hurtful guys!

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Same thing happened to me. First two opened were traps followed by a boon. I managed to not get a single fight in the first 3 doors lol

So is the agreed strategy open doors until you find all bosses and then fight in case you get stairs which boosts rewards? I wonder how many days it will be until that 10% pays off. Average should be 10 but I have been known to get unlucky.

I feel like this is a way to get me to farm more gems. I’ve been wasting 2500 each pet event, and don’t have nearly enough hoarded. 6 2/3 gems a diamond, 8 gems / cursed rune, 5 gems / dragonite…

Reminds me of when Dungeons were first implemented. And diamond rewards were RNG based. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

Stairs mechanic is completely useless to long time active players. Introducing Dragonite rewards for going up in stair level would make too much sense. Then again Dragonite only exists because long term players have too much of the things that were supposed to be needed for crafting.

What happens when people complain about the amount of Power orbs required to craft troops?



I didn’t see the point to changing dungeons (still don’t see the point heh). But after playing it, it does feel like it made daily dungeon more interesting.

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3.5x longer than Zuul. But hey, F2P can participate for free so its not screwing them at all. Am I understanding you correctly?

Maybe I’m old, but its interesting to see how many people don’t look at the long term implications of things. Its fine now and its adds new things, nothing wrong with anything!

Daily Offers, pet pool dilution reaching bloat levels, early stages of Delves, day 1 Gnome-a-Palooza. Its almost like people could see problems on day 1 and the everything’s fine people turn a blind eye to it.

This update is a positive in a sense that nothing is taken away. But if the time progression of this feature seems great to you, then you’re IP2’s current target audience.

You’re right. They don’t need the Dragons. They don’t need Zuul’Goth. Heck, they dont need any Mythic or Legendaries. You only need commons, rares, ultra-rares, and epics to participate in most modes. But hey, you don’t even need to play the World Event/Raid/Invasion/Delves/Bounty/Guild Wars if you don’t want to!

I mean at that point, you have the game beat after completing the Quest line in every kingdom. You’re as good as done if you have Mang or Shield of Urskaya and Rowanne.

Great game.

I agree. Sadly, the only time frame that makes sense for people that want the dragons is for the people that spend gems daily. But hey, you don’t need dragons and screw everyone that thinks 3.5 years isn’t reasonable. Right?

Not that it matters, but I thought original Zuul’Goth was fair. Every week, an entire guild can participate to get orbs and a major orb to try for progression and there were other events that gave more opportunities to get orbs. Most times it was progression (except Orbs of Growth). Gnome-a-palooza just made it really easy. With the dragons, its one try a day and if you aren’t lucky, nothing for you.

Zuul’Goth wasn’t a beloved benchmark that it is now at first, contrary to popular belief. At one point, it was a useless single cast troop. It was the players that got it early/first and the ones that got it briefly when it was bugged released in the soul forge that could push to make it multi-cast. There was also push back to prevent that from players too.


If you only had to make 6 dragons, then there wouldn’t be much of a fuss about the time frame to make these dragons. The random amount of dragons makes Diamantina exactly like the Hoard Mimic in your description: you don’t get it until suddenly you do

While players are under the assumption the devs will make it easier eventually, there’s no actual guarantee they’ll make it easier in the future. Its a dangerous expectation to have.

Everything is great and the devs owe you nothing is basically the same exact reason that can prevent future changes: everything is great and nothing needs to be adjusted. aka if it aint broke, dont fix it.

The increased resource gain is a positive in the base dungeon, but its also just increased in parallel to the Campaign Mythics and misc weapons that are being released overtime also using those resources up.

I actually agree with your statement, but I’m not confident on the premise. This is another update in the good idea questionable execution category.


ofc it’s not screwing them. that wasn’t your point, your point was that paying players who wanted the mythic dragon immediately were being screwed.
your timeline assumes no gem spending for dragonite.
then you turn around and say guilds helped with zuul progression. how? by spending gems to get tiers.

i am saying you will need to spend gems to get dragon. i am saying that this now becomes a gem management issue, where you decide your priorities and adjust your gem spending accordingly, with some ppl using money to buy more gems.

i will also point out almost these exact complaints were made wrt cursed gnomes and the forge upgrade.
now here we are only 6 months later and ppl can get cursed runes every day now, instead of waiting for a cursed gnome to show up once a month or two if you are lucky.

the pet glut is actually a good thing. it eliminates the need to spending gems to maximize event pets for power level progression. now you can do it with the legendary pets. i do agree trying to progress pets thru rescues is much harder now. that is a problem, they need to start hosting more non gnome rescues. so it’s both good and bad.

as for the long term implications, it’s hard to tell, because as i said, EVERY update in EVERY game has folks making the same complaint, that it’s turning the game into pay to win and driving away buying customers.

i will agree this past year has seen more expansion of playing modes/events than the first year i played this. they are rapidly expanding the game.
i get since every expansion ads SOME monetization that folks find that a bit much.

Can we please get a chance to farm dragonite too? We need a dragonite gnome like other players mentioned. Thanks @Kafka

Whichever way you look at it, upgrading pets is becoming more and more of a resource spending exercise. Previously some players would throw gems at the pet rescue shop and now we can avoid that by spending gems in legends. Without increasing pet gnome drops in line with the ever increasing pet pool there isn’t much incentive to bother with pvp at all. I feel somewhat insulted that runes are now a dungeon transaction rather than a realistically obtainable in game commodity. Too much stuff is costing gems and newer players will suffer (or spend money) yet again. Most of us will economise gem wise. Some may prioritise runes 1st and others may prioritise dragonite and that’s fair enough. FOMO and patience aren’t really compatible concepts so the 100%ers will probably be the most disappointed by the random egg issue + luck of the draw dragonite issue on top of the random mimic issue that still frustrates many of them. I will see how much dragonite I end up with from dungeons alone (no gem buying) after a month and no doubt laugh at the ridiculous timescales indicated. A nice surprise well into the future but not something to stress about when daily dungeons reward zero dragonite.

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This was fun to do, my first team died once the battle started :rofl:


Shitty update. Please do something.

Random currency from random battle, what’s going on ?
“Worst comes to worst” seems to be true.

After that Hoard mimic troop based on RNG, they add a other shitty RNG currency used for create random units.

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This post is going to get ignored, but I am going to take the time to get it off my chest anyway.

They goal for them was to create a loop that would take the average person a set amount of time to get the troops. Understood. I am going to use general numbers that are not accurate but I am going to try to illustrate.

Lets say they wanted it to take a year for use to get everything if we actively participate. They also wanted to create another way to eat up all those gems. You have a 10 percent chance to get 80 plus of the resource. You also will take on average 14.7 attempts to get all the new base troops.

The thing is the system will cause more frustration that joy. When you get trap after trap after trap after trap only to finally get a perfect run and get 80 dragonite it is not “YES FINALLY” …it is more “Ok” Either the reward for a perfect run should be WAY more than that so the frustration is offset, or they change the way it is handled. Because without gems you get nothing 9 times out of 10. Nothing.

To balance this they should have given 5 dragonite EVERY DAY when you finish the dungeon, and then made the reward for a perfect run MUCH less than it is now. You will still slow us to a year, but at least you feel something every day you play. Getting nothing 20 times in a row is a gut punch. Give us a least 5 a day.

Second is the HORRIBLE duplicate chance of the base troops. Over half of us will take more than 14.7 times. Those half are going to feel horrible. Then when the lucky half post how they got it in 8 tries…again horrible. This might be the worst part of this update. Another way to make the masses feel bad and want to stop playing your game.

If you wanted to on average take 14.7 times to get the dragon, then just raise the cost to craft to 1000 or so each, with no duplicates. Then EVERYONE is on the same pace. If your goal was to STILL hurt those with bad luck, then make it so you can not get more than two of each troop. This would at least stop those with HORRIBLE luck from never getting these troops.

I just can’t figure out who thought this was a good idea. And the worst part is unlike the hoard troop…the final troop here is actually fantastic…


Here’s my update: Three days and only traps, no Dragonite. It is obvious we will have to spend gems to get Dragonite. As a fairly new player I need gems for tons of other things though - Deeds, Pets, Faction events, missing weapons, chests to try and get missing mythics etc. So at this point it seems the game is becoming a major money suck and for newer players with tons of missing stuff this seems overwhelming.

I know some will say patience is needed - but quite frankly it is depressing to take 3-5 years to get somewhere when you constantly see others post about their new toys.

I know it is the state of mobile gaming…was just hoping the game is different.

Also I don’t play stuff that makes me feel depressed - the whole point of my playing is to feel happy and escape everyday misery. So if I constantly lose battles (you know like those terrible skull drops in the arena) I just close the game and do something else.

Will still play for now but maybe not as much as before.


So again, I’m not talking about the philosophical decision on how much to spend (if anything) on the game. Personally, I’ve done the campaigns and that’s it. But you and I aren’t the target audience for the bulk of IP2s income.

The premise is that someone has to be paying for the continued upkeep of a f2p game. And for those users to continue to essentially subsidize the maintenance/development costs. It’s not a leap of faith in logic to say that the bulk of your buyers are going to be in one of two camps-- the early user who is looking to speed up development and the late game user who is looking to stay at the bleeding edge.

The new user won’t be primarily served by this content as there’s a whole plethora of things to spend money on before a late game activity like these troops. So by process of elimination, it stands to reason that your late game player that spends FAR in excess of what you and I do, are going to be the primary “customer” for this content. As such, by rolling out the content in such a haphazard manner, they’re devaluing their other offerings to those same endgame players they’re counting on to keep the lights on.

Again, it’s not you. It’s not me. We’re just the ones in varying degrees of being along for the ride.

And, outside of this little distraction, I have a background in data and consumer buying patterns. I find it interesting from the sidelines and my point stands-- the model doesn’t make sense for the balance sheet of the game. My thought is to separate out the gameplay from the systems. Took me forever to get Zuul too. Took me 2 years+ and the faction rework to do the PFs. Preaching to the choir there.

So while from OUR perspective, it may be fine or thereabouts, the business realities are we’re not the ones keeping the lights on and this latest system is working against their own interests.

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Had another couple thoughts after playing through some more.

One of the big knocks on f2p games is how there’s a mixture of currencies to confuse the player base and muddy the math on cash spent to rewards received. This update feels a little bit like the design got a bit of its own medicine. Again, you’re now unintentionally disincentivizing your hypothetical late game completionist from purchasing any kingdom/campaign based mythic content since they’ll be available to craft FAR before the RNG from this system will catch up.

Now, if I’m being ultra cynical, I’d wait to see if a relatively large amount of dragonite is parked behind the premium pass of future campaigns as this would be one of the only ways to get your VIPs to have a direct line to getting ahead. Now, the fallout from such a decision would make for a customer service nightmare akin to allowing unlimited gems to dragonite purchases but, short of that, I still don’t see a path.

Given the game has been around for so long now, it could be as simple as the long term users have a better understanding of the interactions between systems than the current developers. It’s not a knock on anyone’s talent or desire, rather just the current state of affairs. There are others that know FAR more about the inner workings of the game that someone like me but I can only imagine the head scratching of those folks.

Also a reminder that the users that post on forums/Reddit/whatever make up a miniscule fraction of the player base. For better or for worse.

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Sorry for going (further) off-topic, but sometimes I wonder, how early players are even supposed to get along at this point of the game. Compared to the insane and still growing numbers of troops and weapons, that exist by now, even if we break it down to the “essential” ones, how is it even possible to get that stuff without going into 4-5 digit expenses?

Other games, that fail to include a sufficient catch up mechanic, tend to surrender and open new servers in regular intervals. Whenever I think of it, I wonder if that would freshen up the game or finally kill it.