6.5 Update: Dragon's Path

Actually yes, up until very recently. People were still getting Zuul’Goth and other bosses at a reasonable time period and most people were able to participate most things. People that were missing mythics were slowly catching up with the Soulforge.

That’s why there’s so many people saying this game isn’t a Pay to Win in the first place, even if I don’t agree with it.

Campaigns mythics and Book of Deeds/Imperial Deeds are what is causing a divide in progress. This just further makes it way more difficult.

Although I find it pretty disingenuous that it must be a young person spending with someone else’s credit card. I’d love to see the demographic for Gems of War from the backend. From what I’ve seen, it leans heavily towards older people as is.

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The person directly above you mentioned taking 2 years to save up for their Zuul’Goth, whereas some people would’ve been able to craft her on day 1. Certainly sounds like the same situation to me! And yes, F2P and new players are able to very slowly catch up on mythics by using diamonds from the dungeon, exactly like we’ll be able to eventually craft Diamantina by grinding dragonite from the dungeon.

In every one of these cases (Zuul’Goth, random mythics, kingdom power levels, Diamantina) the whales and tryhards get to use the content first, and then regular and F2P players. Having access to each improves your team, so there’s never going to be a situation of parity.

I honestly feel like this is something you’ll have to accept by being F2P in a game like this. Other people will always get to play with the shiny new toy before us. GoW will make it easier for us to get it much later on, but by then there’ll be another, even shinier toy released.

I’m ok with everything but the randomness of the free dragonite. Make the reward 10 times less, but a sure thing and I’m happy.

I’m sure there’s some marketing science behind this, making it random to up the frustration thus making us more likely to spend gems to relieve it or something like that. Maybe it’s just me who becomes way less likely to be in a spending mood after the regularly scheduled daily disappointment?

I’d be happy to spend some gems to collect this new carrot faster. But I’m not paying after the RNG just :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: me over.


Agreed, you get to where you are by being wise.

Spending 9000 gems a month on dungeons (don’t forget there will be more of these things coming into the game, as they head away from the core way we have acquired troops to gating behind excessive RNG over RNG) does not make much sense to me (as a player).Granted a few will do as they always have, but it’s clear this is an indirect tribute nerf.

As you say, an overestimation of how players value their gems. Then there’s the random 0s on free from playing. Odds are way too low. Already on day 1 for me first click = 0. It won’t be much longer before it gets ignored altogether.

Imagine getting the same dragon 5 times a row. You may as well buy a lottery ticket then… :joy: :joy: :joy:


Just to pick this bit out:
What else than RNG (with an ever decreasing success rate) do you consider chests? And those are really one of the oldest game mechanics.

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The means to open those chests is the fundamental difference as there’s a variety of ways to pick up additional keys that, so far, aren’t available to solve the Dragonite situation. The means to get other keys is far beyond the means to get the egg “key” to use like-for-like terms.

Again, if you allow unlimited gems → dragonite, you risk alienating the core fanbase (or in their mind, the “core” paying customer) by driving a huge wedge between the whale culture and everything else. Remains to be seen how these new troops would shape the meta but just imagine the fallout the first time Diamantina changes the outcome of a B1 fight in GW. I have (some) doubts about relative strength but we won’t really know until it’s in the wild.

If you leave the time-gated 300/day offer only (or some variant thereof), you’re now devaluing all your other offers to any of those players whose carrot was completionism.

It’s a remarkable own goal but I’ll be curious to see how it ultimately plays out.

Thanks @Jeto for the update, I hope the Sunday offer for dragonite is better. Otherwise, please fix. :smiley:

I’m playing since spring 2015. I remember my struggles to save for the hero armours. Spending gems on keys would have felt insane at that point.
It is difficult to remember, where my stuff came from before hourly tributes became a reliable source. Arena, maybe? Combo gem drops? A bit from guild tasks? Even treasure hunts did not exist yet (hey, remember when those rewards used to look good?).

Gem and event keys used to be the original money sink (to a far lesser degree they still are when a new mythic is around), and even glory keys were not that easy to come by.
The screw has been turned a few rounds, but it is still in the same place.


How about a little bit of dragonite for playing dungeons everyday?

5/5/10 maybe? Could be double on Sunday.

Or how about you get 100% dragonite with no traps triggered, 70% if one triggered, 40% if both triggered? (I’d prefer this)

People who have the gems will buy the daily offers, for the others it would be less frustrating and disheartening.

You’re putting way too much RNG into the game


@Jeto Could we get more information on this please? Have the “ingot offers when you are missing a weapon to upgrade” or “troop offers when you need to medal troops” or “event key offer when you need deeds/books” issues been addressed?


i love the new update!


please let me add the other silly daily deal:
offer you one event key, when you need deeds/books for Kingdom level


I am adding this to the ever increasing list of things not to care about (horde mimic, cursed gnomes, verse gnomes, deeds…). FOMO has never bothered me and there is way too much stuff now that will take far too long to progress and adding yet another RNG dynamic just exacerbates the issue. I stopped caring about wars when empowerment went OTT and I simply do not care about new dragons or currency and won’t be investing gems accordingly. I do however forsee this content potentially creating guild disharmony. Every guild has players that do the minimum in guild events, saving their gems instead for self profit. This may be to purchase daily offers, arena offers or to ascend pets as and when. This update simply exacerbates that issue with more self profiteering ‘opportunities’. Worse still is that the already ludicrously rare cursed gnomes may well have been ninja nerfed yet further because runes are now a gem purchasable commodity. Progress for players with limited (or zero) spare cash is now excruciatingly inhibited and the completionists who do have the cash are thwarted increasingly by RNG. Everyone loses with every successive update and its only a matter of time before the regular spenders realise that the futility of the situation discourages them from spending in future. And whoever prices the deals must be either insane or on LSD. Stunning ignorance repeated over and over again. Mindblowing.

Very unlikely, that Game Freak would try to claim the general exclusive right to use a local translation of a different name (Kairyu). Even less likely, that a court would agree. The usage is clearly in a different context, and the term Dragonite in itself appears generic enough to be used in various dragon-related cases.

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Think they are good, as this is a currency and not a dragon like creature.

“exactly how long term is reasonable to you?”

how long did it take to get Zuul?

off hand, the opportunity exist to get this much quicker.
because you can spend gems to accelerate it.

i think it took me well over a year from starting playing to get zuul.


as opposed to WHAT?

your perspective seems to be entirely from that of an endgame user who has everything and just wants to spend money to immediately keep having everything.

is that the bulk of their income?
MY perspective is, i took over a year to get Zuul, i specifically spent about another year completing all the factions before the new potion system,and i am currently grinding to get all my classes to level 100. looks like that will take a year at least.

i am mostly free 2 play. they aren’t making a profit off of me yet. so idk who they are making a profit out of, but from MY perspective i’m fine with it taking a while to get the final dragon.

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because f2p players will start losing all the time wout having the dragons?

did it occur to you that maybe you don’t HAVE to spend 300 gems EVERY day?

sigh. maybe i’m just old and jaded.
but in EVERY update in EVERY game i’ve played, i’ve seen ppl complaining that it’s just a way to screw over f2p players.
every single one.
here i am mostly f2p and i don’t think this is a bad update at all.


This is me too.

We haven’t lost anything in this update – and there was a worry that the daily gems offer, the F2P player’s main source of diamonds, might get nerfed. We get the same rewards from the 3 dungeon fights, plus potentially more from the boon room and more by descending to deeper dungeon levels. We get the chance of deeper dungeon battles being actually challenging rather than just trivial daily farming. This all seem good to me!

The Dragonite, yes. Clearly crafting those are going to be long-haul projects. But Zuul used to be too, until gnome-a-paloozas made orbs plentiful; and was arguably better that way as the moment of finally getting there held more weight. I’m… kinda OK with these taking a long time to work towards? And at least progress towards them is visible: you earn enough Dragonite, eventually you craft. That’s much better than the Hoard Mimic progression of “you don’t get it until suddenly you do”.

The random hatch of the dragon egg though: this is terribly random and evil and is going to cause a lot of player frustration. This would be much better as 6 different colored eggs.