6.4 Update: Legends Reborn

But that’s the thing. These things were working fine before the 6.3 patch, things got resized happily before that patch. The scaled size of some of the elements were sometimes a little janky, but that was fine → they were more or less in the correct spot and didn’t affect gameplay much.
Since 6.3, things have been far worse with certain ui elements, like the game news screen, which was never an issue before.
And it shows in this case that the scaling is being treated incorrectly:

Select a fixed res like 1280x1024. Open the news page.
News page is correctly scaled to the viewport.
Now resize the window to make it more narrow (ie change it only on the side, not from corner) → the news ui is scaled down accordingly just fine, best seen by focusing on the close button which remains visible the whole time.
Now close the news page & re-open it. —> game just tried to scale everything according to that 1280x1024 selection you originally picked, ignoring the new window size, and ignoring the fact that just seconds ago it had no issues scaling things down while you were resizing the window!
So it seems that there are certain elements of the ui that don’t properly set or use the user’s window size, even though the game (or the unity engine at least) support it.

Personally, I tend to prefer running the game in a tighter more vertical window than the default 4:3 setup, simply because it gives more breathing space to the ui and makes things look far less cluttered and overlapping, plus in some cases it makes things more readable (ie smaller font which I find more comfortable to read than the ginormous oversized text when running a fullscreen window), plus it gives better oversight over certain aspects like the forge… it’s just a shame that there are other aspects of the game that don’t scale in same way (like the troop window), when they could easily do so to provide a better player experience.

And incidentally, it’s one reason I hate trying to play the game on my tablet and always avoid doing it if I can help it → being forced to run in 4:3 mode there and not being able to run it vertically at all feels like hinderance, especially when the ui feels terribly cluttered there.

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Honestly the best new feature in a while. I’m surprised this wasn’t somehow monetized as well.


Just noticed this: one of the best GUI fixes in a while for those of us who do not play the mode and sometimes accidentally click on it or in arena (hint hint)
:pray: :blush: :vulcan_salute:

There’s still lights on in the vault although I don’t have keys. Every now and then I’m drawn to the light like a moth, only to see there’s nothing for me there.


I’m late to this party but I just wanted to update the thread to say there are colour blind testers on the beta team. Granted its not one of the more common forms as I awoke from a coma after bacterial meningitis to a form of anomalous trichromacy. However this does mean I’m especially picky with the colouring of gems of war and I pay particular attention to visual changes. I test with my screen filters on and off, I get my teenagers to confirm if something is clearly visible to them that I can’t quite decide on and I do and have bug reported in beta for colour and placement issues (campaign week titles were initially white on various weekly kingdom backgrounds and this was one example that did get changed)

Basically what I’m saying is that the team are made aware and I know they themselves test with software that simulates colourbliness. Never once have I reported a visual issue because of my colour vision and they have said tough luck which is generally the line I get from most companies. Even if it’s just pointing us towards software that can help, I’ve always found the team to be very inclusive.


Somehow the fact that you’re a mom makes you 50% cooler than you already were in my eyes :joy:


:rofl: I’m definitely 50% more exhausted, of that I’m sure. I mean the fact I’ve somehow managed to get them to teenage is nothing short of a miracle if you saw my abysmal attempts at house plants lol and thankfully I’m still at that wonderful tipping point of people thinking we are sisters so I’m relishing in what small victories I can!



I have houseplants and this is too true! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


I’ve managed to keep a fair amount alive by buying a grow light. I even managed to save a few plants someone had thrown in th trash. And I thought I had a “black thumb”.

But I’m doing best with plants that aren’t picky. Like spider plants. :grin: Takes a lot to kill those. They even thrive in just water, no soil. :joy:

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They say talking to your plants help. In GWs weeks the amount of cursing our houseplants need to listen keeps them on line. They aren’t that picky of the water amounts.

My teenager talks like a pirate though… :neutral_face:


I tell mine they’re doing great growing new leaves and stuff. It doesn’t hurt. :rofl:

I have none where I’m while playing gw so they don’t get to hear me cursing. :sweat_smile:

I’m going on vacation next week. Will I be able to grind all Legends content on Sunday or are there daily limitations that don’t accrue?

Legends reborn are supposed to work like campagn tasks - they accumulate and you can fo them all on the last day if you so desire.

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Since it’s a 2 week event, I suppose I won’t miss much being absent a week.

Don’t give them ideas

I can’t even imagine working for a company and not just saying “You want XYZ because of ABC? NOTED, let me see what we can do about that” when it comes to accessibility. Like hey, your privelage is showing D: I mean there’s stuff that can take awhile or maybe the solution won’t be exactly what was proposed but it still solves the problem, but I would not come back with a dead end “no” answer - it’s not really up for debate.

I do think the games industry is pretty switched on about this stuff, they definitely teach it to artists and designers in game dev school here.

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