6.4 Update: Legends Reborn

Please bring on the delete account button asap for Xbox. 6.4 has completely broken your game for me.

Wanna collect my tribute, sure, wait up to 30 seconds while the gems on the screen circulate.

Wanna go into my guild, wait another 30 seconds.

Wanna donate, 30 seconds again.

Wanna play PvP battles, 30 seconds more.

This game is now unplayable so if their intention was to ease load on the servers they have succeeded because here is one player who can no longer play, and frankly no longer wants to.


Even if they gave players a choice - to play with the life-affirming green buttons or the new fading ones - it would be very good…

Just fired up the game today.

Now it’s fitting even worse than yesterday. Clearly something is still pretty wonky there.
The delve ui is correct though.

Couldn’t help giggling at this scaling… funkyness though.

That upper portion is hilariously ugly. Likewise, the guild ui is kinda funny ugly. Parts of it (like Roster & League tab) is half empty because the information portion is in fixed size, instead of letting it scale vertically to make full use of the window size.
Meanwhile, there ARE parts that make proper use of the window size, like troop ui and forge ui.
Might I suggest the devs try the game in windowed mode in various window sizes and test every ui element for scaling, and not just run the game in maximized window size? :wink:

Not only newer players :laughing: I keep several browser tabs open with the various spreadsheets for class features when I play on tablets. Really excited about this in-game filter. Thanks, Devs.

I didn’t see any pet gnome in PVP since he update so :triumph:

Hiding the only possible useful pets behind gems and cash is hilariously shameless.

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Gotta whale the whales.

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This is pretty awful too. And missing some text.

And gotta love this smashed version with tiny tiny blue bar without the text

i love Android.
but sadly, androids are incapable of loving me back.

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Awesome! (^_^)

Windowed mode in some whatever size. Note how the elements barely fit into the screen, in particular the close button is almost not visible in top right:

Now, I hit the maximize window button and…

It actually managed to get worse. Now the close button is completely gone!

Good thing I can still hit the esc key on pc, which also happens to be the ONLY key that is usable in the game on pc, which also boggles the mind… in my 40+ years of gaming, I have never ever encountered a game which is as controls-hostile as GoW is.
Even all the terrible japanese console->pc ports have better controls (in their awful janky ways).

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@Kafka so… things are even weirder than usual now:

The graphic scaling on the spell effects is all zoomed the wrong way too. The rest of the graphics look ok, but every spell has the wrong zoom level when I click on the troops.


So when is the seperate balance changes update coming?

Uhh, that was me admitting we messed up… we would like to post some things before updates go live, sometimes we can’t though. In this case, we couldn’t. I guess I could have been more clear in my reply, I also see I didn’t say sorry, so I’m doing that now! - I’m sorry we didn’t post about it ahead of time and I’m sorry for the original wording slip up. I’m also sorry I didn’t include this in my original reply. I sometimes go into problem solving/information sharing mode and forget to be extra mindful of my wording - that’s a me problem I could definitely stand to work on.

We’re investigating different accessability feature options for our other game, so I’d love to also look at what options we have for Gems of War when we have time. I will suggest this to the team, and we’re always happy to take accessability suggestions like this any time!

I couldn’t give you an ETA or any promises about when we will review ideas for a new feature like this, but this is the sort of thing we definitely have on our minds and we would ask for more specific feedback from the community as well when we do get this onto the schedule.

In general though smaller accessability feedback, like changing colours/font etc is easier to slot into the existing schedule which is why it’s always a good time to give us any feedback about this.

We put out a fix for this yesterday, you should definitely notice the difference! We’re also continuining to work on it, so we’re not done yet.

What resolution is that you’re playing in?

All Pets from Legends Reborn will be available for free from Pet Gnomes awhile after the event has ended.

We have a Broken Spire rework in the roadmap, there might be other balance changes this year but I don’t have any ETAs at this stage.

PS. Sorry for my huge walls as I reply to everyone at once :grimacing:


Since this was a straight window cap, you can actually see the size of the window on the forum (“image 1070x1050”). Of course, that can vary a bit given when I accidentally click on the window border & I get stuck in window resize mode <.<
Same with the maximize window cap, you can see the image is 1920x1050 there.
Nota bene, this happens pretty much no matter what width of the window I have, since the ui scales accordingly. It was only when I hit the maximize button that it got worse.

Also had this new funny layout issue coming straight out of a GW fight:

Chat button trying to escape the game… (;
Closing the GW window & returning to it fixed it and I haven’t been able to reproduce it again. But… seems like the anchor point for the button might have a slight issue?

Awesome, thanks for replying kafka!

Hallo Kafka !
Viele liebe Grüße aus Germany
Du hast mir bereits einmal geholfen und bist definitiv eine der Wenigen die sich auch ernsthaft um die Spieler kümmern.
Auch bei den Beta-Testern hast du einen sehr guten Ruf (Gary ist in der selben Gilde in der ich auch bin)
Leider ist dies nicht bei Allen der Fall (Salty z.b.) aber Die ist ja nun Fort.
Ich bin nicht zum Meckern hier sondern um ein paar Anregungen zur Verbesserung des Games vorzuschlagen:
Die Def´s machen sich Hauptsächllich Gedanken darüber Neue Spieler zu fördern was zweiffellos ein wichtiger Punkt ist, aber ich finde das man auch den Endgamern einmal etwas Gutes tun sollte !
Wenn man bereits ein paar Jahre dabei ist, stapeln sich Barren Steine Seelen und Orbs im Inventar bis in den 4-5stelligen Bereich.
Bei den mythischen Einheiten kommen mehr und mehr welche die man bereits besitzt.
1.) Währe es nicht angebracht bei den mytischen Einheiten diejenigen aus dem Pool zu nehmen welche der Spieler bereits 4x im Besitz hat ? (Ähnlich wie bei den Wächtern die ja auch nicht mehr erscheinen wenn sie auf myth. sind)
2.) Steine: Hier könnte man doch einen Weg finden diese gegen kaiserliche Schriftrollen zu Tauschen.
3.) Myth. Barren: gegen Runensteine tauschen .
4.) Herrausforderungen: Wenn man alle Abgeschlossen hat kommen keine neuen mehr…Da ist noch Handlungsbedarf also könnte sich mit dem Abschluss der Letzten eine Neue Stufe erschließen, natürlich auf höherem Level !
5.) Es gibt leider Spieler die bereits Level 2000 (und Höher) erreicht haben und im PvP dem Nachwuchs den Erfolg nicht gönnen indem sie sich ständig auf der Tabellenspitze festsetzen und die Belohnung kassieren.
Schiebt dem einen Riegel vor und und Sperrt solche Spieler vom Pvp aus.

So fürs Erste war es das jetzt von meiner Seite.
Viele Grüße Kafka und ein herzliches Dankeschön für dein Engagement:
Carlo Magno
Ich ünsche dir

How long is “awhile”?

Ah, so, neither of these are actually standard window resolutions. Generally things should look fine if you manually resize your window, but there are some odd graphical issues that can happen if you’re not using a standard window size, particularly, the more you resize to non-standard resolutions, the more funky things get.

I would suggest choosing a window size from the drop down menu in the game settings and that will fix the problems you’re seeing. If you would really prefer the custom window size, you can click and drag the corners of your window out from there, but try to make sure you do it in one movement, and only once. You can always go back to the settings menu to reset to a standard resolution if things start looking odd again.


Vielen Dank für eure Anregungen und netten Worte!

Ich werde Ihre Ideen mit dem Team teilen

Actually, straight away at the end of the event (I thought it was going to be longer)

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Thank you for the precise information, that makes the whole thing a little easier to swallow.