6.0 Update - Into The Rift

Impressive if you’re doing that every week.
If you just have LT weeks (like we started doing a year or two ago)

Then Marshall probably does more LT than y’all. I’d have have to remember my level to LT formula but it’s ridiculous amount that they are producing.

I’m sure they do more. We not doing 300k :trophy: a week. I just looked they did like 2000 LT give or take this week. We were tops last week though.

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Glad I personally don’t feel the need to have a complete collection, especially since some weapons are paywalled and not worth the money. Or the fact you can’t have every pet that exists as some are platform exclusive.

That must really suck, not trying to be mean here, as it’s a neverending struggle.


Same here, I survived without buying a single Campaign, this won’t be different for me.

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(Survival is one thing but I’m asking if I can be bothered …)

Its a slippery slope. A classic slippery slope even! We had bosses locked behind passes and that devolved into normal type mythics locked behind passes and NOW we’re going to have some legendaries locked behind passes? Give it a couple months and it’ll be all the legendaries and we’ll work our way down to the commons eventually. They’ll want us to pay for the 2023 equivalent of Ogre or something, else wait six months.

Haaaa nope.


All this update is telling “We need more money from you!!!” It is not a surprise that PS and Switch triggered to release such shamefully greedy update as PS has their own policies about monetization and stuff. When the development will be releasing a viable enhancements to the game, not the store enhancements?

P.S. I wonder what would they do if Sony declines to release this?


We’ve already had epics in the campaign pass - Shade of Kurandara & Wereraven.

The only reason they say we have to wait 2-3 months here is because of the paid (money or gems) level boost system, theoretically you can complete this pass on day one, so the troops/weapons will have to be released on day one. So the wait time is 5weeks + the usual 3-4weeks.

Usually with the time gated campaigns they release items as they appear on the pass (elite+) each week. So the wait for each item is different but if the campaign worked the same they would say you would need to wait 10weeks + 3-4 weeks to get the troops in chests.

What will be interesting is what the rewards after level 50 will be. As these are repeatable, you could buy all 50 levels of the pass with gems (5000gems) and then spend 5 weeks repeating the levels after the pass with battlecrashers.


Uncle Rambo is wondering where the new kingdom is located. I have told him its not out yet etc. He still tries to find it on the map, so please tell us soon, as he get very fast stressed…

Каталог товаров и услуг | crazygems.ru X: 1292 Y: 872

Somewhere over here


Hello, nobody can tell me when the update on the ps4 will come because it’s stupid, the others all already have it and we are disadvantaged again

If the devs submitted the build to all the platforms at the same time (and I don’t know why they would delay one but not others), they aren’t at fault for PS4 taking forever. That is a Sony thing—unless they failed certification for Sony and had to go back and do adjusting. But you’d hope they know what is and isn’t acceptable by now.

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There’s zero differences between builds currently. You’re not missing anything at least for this week.

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It’s easy to catch up on mythics with diamonds. I have over 53k diamonds and over 800k shards. Then you just wait until the missing one comes up. So, I really could take a break and catch up.

The hard things to catch up on are missing weapons and getting pets to maximum.

I don’t know if I’ll quit or not, but it finally sounds possible. Playing other games this week really helped me to let go of chasing the leaderboards. The irony is that my most mythics forum thread inspired those very leaderboards. So it’s my fault I’m chasing those leaderboards. Doh!

I’m feeling really disenchanted with GoW now. However, when I write my next novel, Hot Nights and Cold Wars: None of the Above 2, I will still put the phrase “mana surge” and a black dragon for my current guild family as hidden GoW references. There will be a nuclear launch system in the book called wrath. Yep, it’s a reference to a certain card. :crazy_face:


Legendary ascended pathfinder is supposed to have 2.5x multiplier and, naturally, a question follows: what happens with 0.5 miles after decimal point if base value happens to be an odd number?
Does this get rounded down (resulting in earned miles lost) or does this get rounded up (resulting in free miles awarded to players)?

So, does this mean 10 mile cap for number of turns taken plus 6 miles for dead troops (as one slot must be occupied to win the game) resulting in a maximum if 16 miles lost? Or should we think maximum of 10 miles lost (including both dead troops and number of turns and it’s just that the statement is formulated in misleading way)?

While we’re at it, how is a turn defined for Journey purposes?
Supposing that it is not the strictest Guild Wars interpretation that every action a player takes counts as a turn;
Is it

player // turn 1 ---------- enemy // turn 2
player // turn 3 ---------- enemy // turn 4 and so forth

or is it

player – enemy // turn 1
player – enemy // turn 2
player – enemy // turn 3 and so on

There is quite a huge difference between these two interpretations, you know.


I’m rather curious in which order score modifiers are applied. Is the Pathfinder Trait multiplying the miles before or after losses have been applied?

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it somehow reminds me of bounty score multiplier…

You’re kidding right? You expecting detailed answers/descriptions on how a new game mode works? Don’t you know by now it’s up to us to figure it all out?

I miss the days when @Sirrian would explain everything in detail for us. :unamused:


Based on previous rounding investigations, my bet is on Bankers Rounding (.5 rounds to the even integer, so 0.5 rounds down, but 1.5 rounds up). A search on this forum would give many examples of where this already applies in-game.


Just to save a little effort, Divine Ishbaala is a really good one to mess around with


I’m having some hopes that numbers got picked in a way where rounding doesn’t matter, e.g. by making the base miles gained a multiple of 2.