6.0 Update - Into The Rift

New major content update is… another pass to buy. :roll_eyes:


They don’t, at least I myself would prefer to keep the 50% mana start for dragons. However, the 5.7 patch notes said the original issue was fixed and traits would be reverted within the next days, which didn’t happen even several weeks later. The Nexus troops use the same mechanic, so there’s some interest regarding the status.


They could still consider keeping the legendary as is now - but probably won’t.

Of course if other troops have that mechanic it needs to work properly. I just don’t care about the other Wyrmrun troops, and the legendary is fine as is. :sweat_smile:

Got it!

I don’t consider similar mechanics with the potential to be game crashers. :sweat_smile: Got me quite confused. :joy:

Also there is already a 50% start for dragons even if it is bad. different mechanics on the wyrmrun troops we haven’t already been given access to that may be good in certain combinations. If you hate essencia so much beg them to change that to explode gems with or without the dragon spirit troop to be in line with other legendaries that are similar. I was looking forward to playing around with the wyrmrun traits which is hard to do when we still do not have them.

I don’t think they’ll be very good but they could have that trait on the three other ones? Just my opinion, yours may differ.

Doesn’t matter if we ask for them to change Essencia or to keep the legendary with 50%, they will do as they please anyway.

We’ve already asked for a change to her… I wouldn’t put her on a team just for the mana start as she’d be blocking a spot I could use for something better - unless that would include a troop to one shit the enemy team and the 50% would make it faster (like Rowanne and Maraji Queen - though Maraji is good).

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Makes me wonder if Second Claw Anhur will ever get his original spell back (Destroy gems in a triangle)


When should the update appear on ps4?

Kingdom pass. Hard pass. It’ll be sooo buggy annoying.


@PGSundling My account is 2.5 years old and I am very close to you (versus 6 years of playing). The only thing not ascended is the last bounty troop (I have tons of orbs, but wanted to get it from gold chest).

What I mean is, if you miss out on kingdom pass, you can easily recover from it.

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I find this claim dubious for any F2P, which is a distinction that would seem to preclude the use of “easily”.

It’s “easy” to get every mythic — if one spends $50 for each one, respectively. But that does not mean collecting every mythic (my proxy for a “complete collection,” inadequate as it may be for being too conservative) is easy.

It’s only easy for those willing to buy all 80 mythics at the price tag of (roughly, realizing some mythics would come naturally, some made with orbs, and with an assumption being that weapon flash offers are also being bought since there’s no other way to gain them and, thus, “complete” the collection) $4k

That’s a lot of money to a lot of people.

And even if one only spent a tenth as much “catching up” and filling gaps, any Xbox player will have spent the same amount as the cost of their Xbox just to “succeed” in a single game they play on the console


My personal mentality is that troops that can currently only be obtained via cash don’t count towards my unowned troop total :man_shrugging: So when I have a “complete collection” (I’m getting really close!), I will be missing the currently paywalled troops.


Sounds like the game is on its last legs if there is more requirement for money investment :thinking:

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I called the F out of this.

:flight_arrival: :fire:

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There are 2 obvious technique that you can do to get all the mythics you want for free.

  1. Join a guild like Marshal, SoA, SCP, & Varangian. More LTs more keys. No need to buy.
  2. Heavy grind in GAP.

Sorry, I have no idea about Xbox guilds, but in PC/Mobile there are high LT producing guilds.

So #1 is play a ton, donate gold and hope RNG rewards you with mythics via LT’s?

Say if all people donate 3M (x30 players). Some goes to LTs. Sometimes, you’ll get a mythic. More often you get tons of keys. You only grinded for 3M, but the return is 90M. Some of the members donate more than 3M too. Do that weekly. Over a year you’ll be surprise how many keys you collected.

The top guild on Xbox did over 200 LTs last week. Pretty sure no one did more on any platform. JS

You seem to be unaware of PC/Mobile as well.

In the past 5 years only Marshall and SoA has done more LT than AWR.

And it was less than 2 years ago that we had move past Marshall in guild level (despite them being 1-3 years older). So they’ve had “quite a run” since the pandemic started.

That means your guild is one of the ideal guilds to join when you need keys.

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