5.6 Patch Notes (Gnome-a-Palooza)

The issue is these people show up themselves with full pockets then mention it’s broke. Some folks had to work


Sucks…but it was expected to be nerfed

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Also agree - I’m pretty sure, devs have their own game economists, not necessary for extras

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Yes, but in a polite way, that is after the event


Don’t understand you people. Good patch - complaining, bad patch - complaining. Are you setisfied that you broke all the party? Hoped devs will nerf this after event, but forgot that good bugs they fix immidiately, and bad bugs in a weeks.


I think endgamers use the “economy” as an excuse because they dont want players way behind them to have a better time. Its easy to complain about “Too much resources” when you already have too much resources.

That doesn’t go to every endgamer btw, alot of us are actually decent and want players to have a fun time.

Sorry to everyone that didn’t get to truly experience how good this was.


This did not break the economy. Everyone of those folks with 100 or so verses have 100k gems in their stash. They didn’t need the resources but sure played all day to fill their pockets then come here with pics to make sure folks with a life other than gems can’t get them without hours of explore. Ridiculous. I still remember when gnomes always had a good drop and people on here wanted to see more gnomes even if it dropped 1 diamond :joy:


@Fleg , I believe outliners like you ruined the chance for everyone started late.


Wow the negativity and I have to say hostility in some of these posts. There is still the chance to get those gnomes with enough playtime. You can start a palooza when you want, you’ll get a ton of things regardless if you’re an endgamer, high-, middle-, or lowlevel but that is only the secondary benefit as I see it. It is simply fun to have 15 minutes of gnomebliss and see the amount of things you got afterwards. There is a normal gnome event running at the moment, you simply need time to play that. If you haven’t then no palooza-loop in the world would change that you can’t play as long as others. I really like this game mode especially for players not long in the game.

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When people run here with full pockets they could care less about you or the game. All they want is to get theirs and screw everyone else that could not play.


GaP was something that was literally fun for everyone who got to play during the first 20 hours.

Now it’s something nearly unattainable for most players like Epic Vault Keys, Heart of Rage, War Coins and Nysha tokens.

I guess the other 99.9% of the player base is SOL. Sorry folks.


Hey Amazon players!

If you’re having trouble downloading the 5.6 update please try these 2 things in order (always best to update via the store if it’s possible!)

  1. Search for Gems of War in the Amazon Store to see if it will let you update the game from our store page

  2. If that doesn’t work, please try downloading the APK for Amazon here:

If that doesn’t work, please contact support ensuring you let us know which device model you’re having the problem on.


Best gnome day ever. Some good things never last.

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Thank you, @Kafka. This should help @EternalDark.

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There were people that came here with 30 sets of verses and complained it was breaking the economy. Did they stop like they should? No. They proceeded to play it all day and get over 100 of each. These people could care less about the economy of game or they would have stopped.


It was a great plan right?
“Look guy 30 verses in a hour, this is bad as fuck”
“Now I have 70 verses, fix this!”
“Worst glitch ever look my 130 verses I collected!”

And now they fixed. I think was brilliant.

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Depends on the definition of brilliance. Some may say collecting tons of resources you will never use is brilliant but for me buying Nvidia @$10 a share requires a little more up stairs but to each their own I guess.

I just pointing out the irony on what happened. Thus agreeing with your earlier comment.

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So blame the players instead of the devs who chose to not listen to beta feedback / not have QA / not play their own game?

Well, they didn’t.


I think that it is a waste of time to complain on here about this ridiculously unfair “fix”. The devs obviously have their favorites that they allowed to get a metric shit ton of stuff and the rest of us (who have lives that are more important than this shitty little game) get literally shat upon.

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