5.6 Patch Notes (Gnome-a-Palooza)

Honestly I don’t think this is as bad as some people think it is, yes, there is a massive surge in resources players are getting, but they aren’t going to last long. As long as it is nerfed before the next vault event I doubt it’s going to create a permanent effect on the game, other than pushing more players to late game, who will probably be more willing to out time and money into the game in the future. It really shouldn’t take more than a few weeks before we’ve already spent all the rewards and everything is back to normal




Dude… I just did 45 minutes of gnome-a-palooza, and I have enough for another 45 minutes, and I already have 75 vault keys and 6 epic vault keys. Players are going to be ending this weekend with 1000 vault keys. I did one gnome-a-palooza battle where I got 3 vault keys.

I could get 1000 vault keys and I still won’t get another Heart of Rage….so I think this is all fair :stuck_out_tongue:

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If this is working as intended then hats off to the devs but I very much doubt it is. If there isn’t a nerf come reset then I’ll be surprised.

Something like 3 of each verse required to make a Gnome-a-Palooza event and verse gnomes can no longer appear during gnome-a-palooza.

Did anyone get any tarrot card or heart of rage in this gnome event? It is incredible how hard it is to pull just one of them.


Yeah, there definitely should be a nerf, but I know a lot of people have had a ton of fun in the event so far, and are probably going to spend most of the rewards almost immediately. Hoarding vault keys is probably the biggest long term problem.

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I managed to get the emperor twice, but that’s all… And I got it twice.

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congrats, at least u GOT SOMETHING


sorry im furious.

Oh no you’re fine, I totally get it, the odds of getting them are so low that an event like this really does seem the only feasible way of getting them.

What?? This is news to me. No idea dooms couldn’t be replaced by gnomes.

Just what I needed! Souls!


I was getting a ton of 3x gnome + doom of stone battles before switching kingdoms. Maybe it’s just doom of stone? No clue.

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Heart of Rage I’ve been lucky with, the sun though will not drop, all I ever get is more Cedric’s :-1:

I would assume this is a bug. :thinking: No idea why dooms wouldn’t get replaced. Will be skipping kingdoms with dooms. Thanks!

I doubt GAP is going to be nerfed. It’s the solution to the tarots and HoR drop issues: toss keys galore at everyone. As a game ages and more and more gets added, they need to make it easier and easier to get resources.

If the devs think we’re getting too much resources, they’ll add more sinks. A nerf would anger the community too much.

I think GAP will encourage more gameplay if anything. I stopped doing PvP a while back because it took way too long to find a pet gnome. It wasn’t even worth it. Now I will spend more time in game because getting that pet gnome is actually feasible.