5.5 Update (Patch Notes)

Need to use two team slots for campaign. One to meet the kingdom or similar requirements for me to finish tasks, and one as PVP defense that gives everyone else 4x Pharos-Ra to kill (or whatever the flavor of the week is) so that they can finish tasks.

Edited to add that 200 team slots probably wouldn’t be enough for me. I just like tinkering too much.

This is what I do too, but I just leave mine unnamed. :rofl:

@Magnusimus has the right of it, and @Snooj also broke it down further.

Thanks for helping team, I’m glad we could clarify further.

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Just a note that you can use ironhawk teams to complete a lot of the tasks very quickly. Dust Devils + Ironhawks don’t rely on a particular class, or weapon, or banner. Very easy to set up for each requirement and grind out the wins in d1 in a few seconds per fight (dust devil + 3 ironhawks for banner requirement; 2 dust devil, hero, ironhawk for class/weapon requirements).

As for the tasks that require your whole team be from the kingdom of the week, yeah: I also have a teamslot designated to fulfill those. I call it “trash.”


reolled a lot of tasks yesterday, all i’ve got were:
win ranked pvp
kill X [color] troops
and do “x” explore in LK runs rerolled into do “Y” explore battles in Adana

so nothing crazy atm… will do more testing today and maybe in future…

So everyone is sharing their crap treams for fulfilling campaign tasks… so, here’s mine:

I’ve got one team slot i started to edit each week some time ago (probably before campaigns started). it’s called: PvP Defense
And I tend to make it either mono-kingdom or mono-type each week.
I also used to use it for my pvp/ab battles for whole week… but nowdays I prefer to put it only as PvP Defense…

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I love this, this is awesome btw. I can’t do Arena to save my life…and sometimes I just don’t have the time to finish these long drawn out ones (that require specific troops.)

That actually sounds like a neat way of handling it. Please consider adding details like this to the patch notes, it’s what really matters to the less casual players.


Has there been any talk about the possibility of improving and above all facilitating the infuriated Kurandara attack? In wars it’s still a toothache to be able to throw it with peace of mind that it doesn’t explode in your face. Thank you

Sorry Google traductor.

I know I asked before. (Maybe even on this thread)

But why were Uber Skulls removed without an announcement? All indications from this post made it sound like they were going to be around longer than a few weeks. Since none of you devs actually play the game anymore have you even noticed they were removed? (Like pet gnomes were removed from the arena for a too long of time.)

I think someone theorized that the system couldn’t handle Lycanthropy Gems and Uber Skulls at the same time. But if that was true then we’d be stuck with Lycanthropy Gems as the only Heroic Gem ever since troops are able to create Lycanthropy Gems from casts or traits.

Assuming this doesn’t make the radar or is deemed worthy of reply by the devs RNG. Can someone ask on @Saltypatra stream if they intend for Lycanthropy and Uber Skulls to be active at the same time ever?

I was under the impression that the active heroic gem would change with each campaign. Since this is the lycan campaign, it makes sense to have lycan gems and not uber skulls.

I very much agree about an announcement being needed though. Except for people on the forum, there is no way to know when a gem becomes active or inactive. I have lost count of how many people I have seen not realizing lycan gems aren’t permanent, or wondering where the uber skulls went.

I think the devs said multiple heroic gems could be run at a time buttttt… going through my stream notes I don’t see anything about that. Maybe I am misremembering? Hopefully someone else will chime in here.

Will ask next week if there’s no response here.

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Thanks for your patience, I spoke to the devs to get a firmer answer on this.

Uber Doomskulls were turned off, and will be re-activated in future. (Can’t say when at this time, before you ask. :P)

In the future two Heroic Gems may run at the same time.


Aw yes typo in our favor. We CAN ask eh? So, when? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Sorry I will go away now.