40,000 Trophies

If someone was paying me $50 an hour if I would do 40k :trophy: I still would not do it! So there is zero chance I will ever break a record here :joy:

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If someone was paying me $100 an hour I wouldnt do it.

Well I work from home due to the pandemic. And I do get paid around $75 an hour to basically play a mobile game while I wait to have to do something for my job. So yeah… I’ll gladly do it. It’s a rough life these days.


But thats not true, humans is masters in creating limitations for themselves. Even with coronas there is many things to do at home, including training, watching television, be creative with painting and puzzles, take care of whatever you are collecting, playing instruments, make nice food and talk online with your friends.

Be a long time before he is good enough on his own to see anyone

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Like how you all are setting limitations on yourselves on how much trophies can be farmed an hour/day/week? Because you can’t do something, it automatically must be “cheating?” How sad. Maybe spend more time trying to understand the available resources in the game and how you can be more efficient instead of crying about things you very clearly don’t know anything about


the highest regard a legit player can have is that other players saw them and shout “Haxxx0rz!”


good luck SoA in getting the 1st place race with Anonymous


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I can easily do 400/T an hour. Phoenicia in mid-level explore, it’s a piece of cake. There was a time, several years ago, before Phoenicia and the explore update, before 4x speed, when I consistently did 5000-7000 per week. At that time, those were high end numbers. Unfortunately, I’m not as young as I used to be, so I won’t try to match @MaddFrost’s 40k. But I have no problem believing that it’s possible.

Short version: just because you can’t do it, or don’t understand how it can be done, doesn’t mean it can’t be done. History is full of people who were the first to do what everybody said couldn’t be done.


It’s not called coffee…It’s called sad. You should not be bragging or proud of 40k trophies in a week…ever.


I can only imagine if zoo were still playing. He (And a few weeks, me as well), did not eat, sleep, pee… He pretty well documented it. Now with even faster teams and 4x speed, plus trophies everywhere, a high moto mofo might be throwin down stupid ass numbers.

And dont tell me it is unsustainable. Zoo and others, myself included, did that ish for months on end. It can be done. Maybe not healthy or life-heart-soul-fulfilling, but possible. I totally have my screenshots of #3,#4, #2, and a year later #1 for posterity.

Congrats to whoever you are that cranked out that monstrosity of a beast mode number. May you get some water and some sleep and never feel the need to repeat it :wink:

Edited to add: i even made the rule for myself that never, ever again will i feel the need to keep trophying while pottying. I just set that tablet down and walk away :headshake:


For anyone doubting if it’s possible, trust me it is. I once did over 9,000 battles in a vault weekend this would translate into over 18,000 trophies in just 3 days.

3 battles per minute is totally doable and sustainable even if watching tv at the same time and not fully concentrating. Even at this somewhat lowball trophies per hour (360) it would only take 111 hours which even leaves 8 hours per day to sleep.


Yep it’s very doable if you want to spend 16 hours a day non stop doing the same thing over and over again for 7 days. Not worth it to me. Some said it will mess with your health but I cannot confirm that because I’m not a doctor. Fortunately for me I can be in one of the top Guild families on any platform and they don’t need my :trophy: or my 56-57k guild war points to stay top 3 in both categories. I can relax and enjoy the game and watch how things play out. So basically yes I’m having a coke and a smile while he can’t stop for one :joy:. I think the most I have done in a week is about 6500 :trophy: and I am not looking to repeat that. So there is absolutely zero chance of me ever touching 10k let alone 4 times that.

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If a member of Madd Crew was seriously stupid enough to use bots, and risk the entire guild losing out on their tremendous trophy count over the last year, then I would be extremely extremely surpised. I normally do 2k - 3k trophies per week just a couple of hours each work night and fairly solid play over the weekend, so 40k with Phonecia team is highly doable if you get your head down and play solid 15 hours or so every day for a week. I’m just happy in the knowledge that my defence team recorded a victory against Madd Frost last week yay lol!


i’d rather go for 40k thropies/week, than watch tv…
read a good book, that sounds nicer…

I just wonder if anyone here also claims that reaching 500k ranked pvp points in one week is impossible?
I’ve seen 2 people do it on same week, using same exact team…

How many medals did the 40k net? I found myself wondering…

the unhelpful answer: not enough


Yeah, as I work it out in my head, I feel like Explore 12 is still the way to go for that.

Which is sort of interesting — I can think of no other gam mode where more battles does not end up equaling more resources. If more battles at 2 trophies apiece equals more trophies over time than the battles at 3, but explore 12s for an hour yields more medals than an hour of explore 5, then that means time, or battle-rate, isn’t the biggest factor for medal generation even though it is for generating trophies. Efficiency of that time is, of course, but by “efficiency” we no longer mean “battle-rate,” but probably something more like “mythstone rate” or “token yield” (or both).

Is the difference being made up, I wonder, not by the mythstone payouts, but by the tokens dropped? Setting aside the rarities for a moment: 5 minute explore 12s yield 2-3 tokens, and 1 minute Pho runs get a person like 20% of the stones they need for a mythic fight, so about 5 minutes for 1-2 tokens. That deficit has got to add up fast.

So, yeah: it’s probably a combination of both mythstone-rate and token-yield making it so that the highest battle-rate possible doesn’t have the highest medal-yield possible. Weird.

EDIT to say that by “weird” I don’t mean it’s strange for Explore 5 to payout less than Explore 12, but rather that the balancing has basically been nailed so that it isn’t possible to go the “easy” route to make more, like playing Casual PvP for easier gold, for instance. I wonder if that’s because players can get through Explore 12 runs too quickly, or can’t get Explore 5 runs done any faster… :thinking:


And throw in the factor of no pet gnomes in explore, pretty much meaning whatever particular resource/reward you are looking for (pets, gold, trophies, medals etc) will more than like mean utilising the best method in whatever game mode pays best dividends.

Maybe not the question everyone’s been wondering but I sure have: what’s the “secret” sauce?

All answers have been beating around the bush with “that’s impossible” vs “well I did it/witnessed it”. But what’s the method that yielded these phenomenal trophy counts? I ask not because I plan on overtaking these players’ accomplishments, but rather because I value my time. So of there’s a quick way to farm trophies/resources when playing less, that seems ideal.

From what I gather, it’s either rowanne+shield at explore 12, pho at explore 5/6, or some intense pvp/arena farming. I assume it’s not arena, even with its payout of 50 trophies for 5-6 fights, but the resources are terrible otherwise.

And before anyone starts on “that depends on which resource you mean”, I’m trying to remain on topic by asking for these monsters’ trophy farming teams and how long they actually dedicated (assuming they kept track).

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