4.9 Update

Had this not existed.

For 3 weeks prior to the actual implementation. Then I imagine most would just laugh off the super tiny rewards.
We were straight up misled. And now most of the reaction that appears to be resentment towards ads is actually human nature to be upset when LIED to. :man_shrugging:

100 gold is no where near 15 seconds of pvp. And that’s what we will get the majority of the time.

Would a flat rate of 3k gold per ad be game breaking?
Hell no.

This is the devs straight up trolling us. Even there 100 maps codes were more lucrative than the ads.
And do any of the companies advertising realize how the game is making us connect negative feelings to something they are paying for?

I doubt Nike would sponsor me to go around kicking folks in the junk while wearing their shoes. = that’s what the current companies are paying GoW for.